It was nice knowing you WM

Why do Alliance need an incentive to PvP? You have just proven that you can do it. The idea of an imbalance stated in the beginning does not seem correct, Alliance don’t enjoy PvP unless there’s an unbalanced reward.

We go back to equal incentive and you no longer enjoy it?

When the imbalance is again noticeable, what will the reasons be this time? Because I know why I didn’t have WM on with my Main these past few weeks.

There should be no reward for WM. People who enjoy PVP will turn it on anyway.

We won’t notice because we have WM off.

We want that bonus. We want that free gear.


You mean there isn’t content you like to do. Big difference.

I leave it on almost all the time. Yep even as a Holy Priest doing world quests and assaults. Leaving it off is for the weak. Crom approves.

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holy crap four loko fruit punch actually isn’t that bad at all, shame there’s no caffeine in them anymore though

This. There didn’t used to be a reward for being on a pvp server, but people were on them anyway. Why add one now. Remove rewards and this drama is gone. Bonus should be that you get to use pvp talents and that’s it, and I’d part with that too if it led to this level of crying.

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Let’s see. I didn’t turn it on for a small reward, and I didn’t turn it on for a larger reward, and whatever they have in mind next, I won’t be turning it on then either. Carry on. ^.^

It’s funny how ally whine about horde being bad and needing 20+ players to kill one ally and they go and do the same thing. Hypocrite much?

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Bipsie… stop. just stop. you’re embarrassing yourself , dear.

What? It was a quest objective to kill 25 horde, the reward was ilvl 400 loot. Alliance don’t just gank for the sake of it (horde do that), this was about completing the quest and getting the loot.

Blame Blizzard for adding ridiculous PvE incentives into PvP. I turned off WM as soon as I had my 25 kills and got my loot.

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I guess you are now the stalker and a hypocrite still cause you can’t stop replying to what i post…

Amen sir. It’s almost like a QnA did not just come out were they admitted that they messed up the sharding for months in WM, allowing it to become HM. And I’m not sold that it is fixed as they claimed either.

Because ganking lowbies, deathball squads, corpse-camping and attacking people at low health from mobs takes “skill.”


Wah wah. I only get 15% and nasty horde get 10%. Make them stop mummy!!!

No 30% and Alliance are turning it off? I am shocked! Shocked I tell you! How can this be? Are these not the same players who were boasting how they were rolling single Horde and camping flight paths while being in 40 player pre-mades?

Seriously, can the Alliance truly be any more predictable? You can look back on these times when Alliance ruled the school for a few days as 'the glory days" as you run as fast as you can to a rested area to turn War Mode off.

Well, back to doing battle with the true blue Alliance players.

I have the ability too be immune to all Verbal converations.


I just leave it on all the time. About 90% of the time I will kill any horde that crosses my path. Makes the game more interesting XD.

But… but… The excitement of picking a neutral FP and thinking “Will I survive to gank another day?” LOL

Yes, because that is soooooooo prevalent that the Alliance max levels turn off War Mode to the point that Blizzard has to through you welfare gear in order to try to get you to turn it on…

JJ Eye Roll