From the recent talk I’ve been seeing about ppl asking for more features…
I already beat you to it.
You want to know what’s going on? It’s actually very simple; people just want to play Warcraft their way.
What I described in my link is my ideal utopian server; however, everyone has a different view of what they like out of WoW. You can see that some of my ideas coincide with what others have asked for, like TMOG in wrath.
At the end of the day ppl just want to play what’s fun. Some want RDF in the game, some don’t.
By not respecting a standard everyone could get behind on like #nochanges, you, Anti-RDFers particularly, opened the door for us to ask for all sorts of things. Yeah…
#somechanges is fine, when you’re on the favorable stick-end of those changes; not so much when you’re on the pooped end of them, are you?