It was fun while it lasted

I am but a mere forgotten relic who was looking to relive some great child hood experiences in the beloved world of Azeroth a wee lad that experienced original Vanilla and TBC with green eyes awe struck by the adventure, vastness and endless opportunity for friendship and camaraderie.

While my return was extremely short-lived due to unforeseen account restrictions forcing my hand. As a farewell I felt remis to not share the feedback I provided in my customer ticket in hopes that future change is possible to better the experience for legit returning/new players:

I will preface this by saying I understand the golden era is gone back when the devs, GMs and support were intertwined and connected to the heartbeat of the game and the players. A true conduit that could action change and assist the life blood of the game (the players) with a genuine strive to do so, as in large players them selves that shared in our love and passion of the game. It saddens me that the support experience has been relegated to a mere formality now.

I digress and would be remiss to at least not provide feedback (despite knowing it will fall on deaf ears). While I applaud and wholeheartedly stand by any action to combat RMT and bots which absolutely destroy the experience for legit players the current implementation is poor and completely destroys the playability for legit returning and new players which are such an integral part for the health of the game.
Points to consider:

  1. It is possible to target RMT in a more elegant way that would still leave the game playable for new players

    a) Allow sending earned items and gold unrestricted only to characters on the same account. Which is an absolute necessity as not being able to inventory control with bank alts in classic is effectively akin to the game not being playable period.

    Drastically limit any gold and items sent or received on a sliding scale based on level to other players.

    This effectively targets RMT the same way but leaves the game still playable for new players.

    Given above trade restrictions new accounts would no longer have a way to acquire RMT gold so the following makes sense:
    a) Allow restricted trades and purchasing from the AH in both quantity and value on a sliding scale based on level. Since the mail restrictions enforces only earned gold being used. The above trade restrictions also enforce only earned gold.

    b) There also is a huge gap now cause accounts can sell items in the AH so that means bad actors could list cheap items for huge gold amounts to acquire illicit RMT gold then wait 26 days to further propagate the cycle. A restriction on quantity and value of listed items would need to be imposed on a sliding scale based on level.

  2. New player experience:
    a) Unable to give items to alts bank alts which makes the game unplayable as inventory management is integral.

    b) Unable to legitimately trade and buy from the AH makes progressing infinitely harder unable acquire simple things like bags, items for quests, basic consumables, etc

    c) Can’t even at the very least give things to friends/party members which have marginal to no value in the initial leveling curve of the game.

  3. A clear and explicit disclaimer should have been provided when buying gametime indicating the account falls under these restrictions. I am not even sure how you are able to retroactively do this without the consumers prior knowledge in essence completely blind siding them and altering what should be a contract.

An honorable point I would also like to add is that these restrictions also go against the fundamental social construct of the game of why most of us love the original iterations of the game in the first place. These restrictions effectively relegate me to a beggar with a sheer reliance on my friends gifting me things without any means for legitimate reciprocation and this bothers me to the core. I derive sheer joy from being a contributing member to my friends and group instead of a liability and this was the tipping point for me.


Kudos for being detailed and constructive in the feedback instead of kicking and screaming about how you, specifically, are being targeted and hated on


really horrible. hate to see new and returning players having a hard time, should not be a thing. this kind of stuff just encourages gold sellers to steal and sell already established accounts.


if temporary trade restrictions bother you this much, you were never gonna make it to 60 anyway :expressionless:


the majority of GDKP raiders were legitimate players too. that doesn’t matter.

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Unfortunately this does not stop the real gold farmers. Blizzard needs in game GM’s for that.

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the GDKP ban doesn’t stop the real gold farmers either. but it’s all cumulative. it all makes RMT harder, which is the goal :expressionless:


The high quality GDKP groups shun gold buyers because it pollutes everyones efforts. X4 a while back send me a video of what happened to a certain group of gold buyers; they got destroyed, I was amused.

Just say NO to gold buyers.

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if temporary trade restrictions bother you this much, you were never gonna make it to 60 anyway :expressionless:

I am a former original R14, original naxx clear (note Vanilla not classic). Former gladiator player in TBC that fully cleared all raids. None of that matters though to this argument but I opted to give you some respect and background just out of principal despite your myopic uninformed view point where you attempt to think you have any autonomy to know anything about me or my ability.

See some old screenshots of my GM warrior:

I achieved hitting level 20 in the first day of play. I assure you I would have hit 60 faster then the majority of the player base. I cleared my schedule to hit my first 60 within the first 65-80 hours of in game time (which I would have done in a week).

These restrictions unequivocally hindered and removed my desire to do so as it ruins the experience and my ability to do basic things as in trade to my own bank alts, share items with friends buy basic reagents/consumables from the AH etc.

I am being forced to vendor my mining/herbing materials that I was going to use to powerlevel my professions on my alts and on my main after hitting 40 but I have no way to do basic inventory management which anyone that has an understanding of optimizing the leveling experience in Vanilla will tell you that is basically just GG.

I will acknowledge though that not everyone is a perfectionist min/maxer like myself so this impacts me more then say a more green player or one that doesn’t play the game in the same manner.

the majority of GDKP raiders were legitimate players too. that doesn’t matter.

This is actually a grey area argument cause one view point could be argued that GDKP players were in fact not legitimate and at the core against the underlying principles of the game (which is my personal stance/opinion). Proven by the fact that Blizzard finally opted to take a stance to disallow such in game behavior.


Gdkp players are legitimate, that’s like saying anyone who uses the AH isn’t legitimate.


Gdkp players are legitimate

I merely said it was my stance and opinion and not a fact by any means. Its just my view point and personal bias which stems from my experience raiding the content in Vanilla/TBC when GDKP wasn’t really a thing or at least not something prevalent or that me and my core group knew about or would have cared for.

I have developed life long friendships with people I used to raid with back in the day. So my personal bias is that I can’t fathom simply buying gold and buying items in these raids with completely random players that you have no connection or drive to progress the content with. When we downed Rag, Nef, C’thun, KT, got our first thunderfury it wasn’t 1 person it was an achievement experienced by 40 players that all shared in the joy and triumph. Buying gold and the experience just feels cheap to me.

that’s like saying anyone who uses the AH isn’t legitimate.

I don’t quite agree and the parallel is a stretch as arguably the AH is functionally an in game market so the way it is utilized either casually or to flip the market to amass wealth is intended just like real life markets.


Just because someone brings up it is happening to them doesnt mean they arent saying its happening to many other people. You truly are the worst kind of person based on the replies you give to me and others.

I ad all the other posts point out how this is ruining the game for others. I specifically say 10s of thousands . Like 50% of people in my 1k player guild are affected by this and many have quit already because of it.


Who are you? I was talking to the OP

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Yup and the wow token is their excuse. Because people hack accounts and trade era. Sod, hc gold for other version gold which increases wow token prices lolol

F the wow token. Remove that along with gdkp


While claiming the many other posters bringing this up are not making valid points and only being selfish.

And me? Youre trolling me on my post and replies to other posts like this, lol.


I didn’t say anything of the sort. I implied that they’re being unconstructive and unnecessarily combative

I don’t troll

Your bias is telling you that you need to buy gold and you’re wrong right there.

The gdkp discords are a community.

I have met more people on those communities then I have doing pug raids.

Those organized discord gdkps are also better than most raid teams, especially the raid teams of the forum players lol.

You could remove rmt and bots and gdkps would still exist.

They do the same raid as you, kill the same bosses and have the same loot RNG, the only thing that’s different is their loot method.

Organized gdkps also have some top speed clears, because again they are a community.

Categorically false New Account Restrictions?!?!?! This can't be serious? - #124 by Breayanna-bloodsail-buccaneers

This is absolutely hilarious.

None of you would’ve lasted a day in WoW in 2006~



Point proven.

Have a good day, lmao.