It was a good, long run

I’m out.

It’s been a few months. I got banned again (thanks, mods) for voicing my opinions on a certain game mode that rhymes with “mattle boy Al.”

Moderator Note: The penalty was for discussion of disciplinary actions, and nothing to do with Plunderstorm.

I quit WoW a few weeks back and I forgot to blurt it out on the forums like a normie. So here I am, telling y’all that my 15-year-run with this game has finally come to an end. I legitimately won’t be coming back and I already gave my gold to a close friend of mine, so you can’t have it.

Disgusting corporate practices, short-term gains without a long-term vision, the playerbase (especially in the RP realms), and the lackluster gameplay that plagues most MMOs prompted me to quit. I’m starting a new, good job with a lot of benefits, so I can’t be playing WoW like I used to, anyway.

It’s been fun. Goodbye. I’ll miss a lot of the cool forumgoers.

TL;DR: I quit WoW, got a good job, and I already gave my gold away so you can’t have it. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:




ok, I give up.


Okay…Good luck with your new job.



No you didn’t. I voice opinions all the time. Lots of people do. No problems for us.

Still, grats on the new job. Hope it goes well.


Part of me is curious… lol


awesome, man. Enjoy and I hope it’s good to you


Nah. No slurs or curses were uttered. No insults were thrown. I posted a [battle royale mode] critique on General Discussion. A grave sin.

Not like it matters now, anyway.

OHHH I thought it was Alpha India, didn’t notice it was an L, Lima.


Oh yeah, it’s “Al” like the shortened name of “Alex” or “Allen.” My bad.

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I speak for everyone when I tell you, OP, that we care about you quitting.


nah, you’re good man. I didn’t even consider that

cared enough to reply, or something, idk

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Good luck and I hope your job is great : )

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He means Plunderstorm (battle royale) but is too scared to speak its name for some reason.

shhhh, you mention Blunderstorm in General Discussion, you might get banned.

or something.


I’m a certified Plunderstorm disliker (and 40 renown with it) and I havent been banned for it.


Why did you even get to 40 it if you disliked it?

I mentioned Blunderstorm, Plungerstorm, Plunderstorm (Praise be to the Stormwall) All the time in GD and the Plunderstorm forum. Never got actioned. Did so on my main posting toon Ibuki.