It took less than a year for FF14 hype to die

I think my favorite part is his final attack just pure awesomeness

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Congrats, amongst the troll and copium posts in this thread this is the dumbest comment so far. And from a “Community Council” member no less lmao


who wouldve thought a story based mmo is in a hype slump when theres no more story to progress in

just wait for the next story patch, then theres gonna be more of the “ff14 v wow” insufferable threads just like this one plaguing the boards again

Your take is super toxic to the MMORPG industry, more competition is only good for wow, celebrating any MMORPG getting less attention just means we will get more trash expansions.

I mean final fantasy 14 story even though I love it isn’t perfect. And again a majority share and I quote opinion that it’s a good story one I share but alas that’s an opinion not a fact

Huh, They took it down or something? :thinking:

It was never on Xbox


Not gonna lie, i’m now pretty confused now with that, because i know the PS3 version was taken down awhile ago… I’m confused on why the wiki lists it as an Xbox platform now. :thinking:

I wouldn’t trust wiki bro just for future cases such as this and to check the actual store to see the platform it’s selling on

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Alright, so i did find the product page, it looks just about as you said here. :point_down:

I think the wiki included it because of one of these articles. I’m not 100% sure on that. :point_down:

I mean now is March and i yet to see any news on that front from the FF14 devs on that. So i’l just take your word on it.

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I don’t see that happening due to square enix and Sony being close buddy’s in the console wars. I also would like to say this is why cases like these I tend to avoid using wiki and even then use wikis sources they are providing and check those

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That’s fair enough.

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I’m not saying your wrong for believing that it’s a common mistake. Just keep in mind for future when ya wanna know what game is selling on what platform just check the website directly

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Yeah i figured something was off when the PS3 was still listed on there, hence i didn’t count it because their servers for that shut down awhile ago.

I mean i get it, history sakes and all.

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What’s wrong with her comment? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Idk generally I hated my fc with their anti WoW talk because it’s annoying let people enjoy whatever they want

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You guys should be wanting other MMOs to be doing well, competition means things get better for the consumer because the people making the products realize that they aren’t bulletproof. This is very basic logic, which I know is a tall order for most of you but really try going beyond your initial shallow thoughts.

FF14’s latest expansion sold so well they had to limit sales to keep their servers from buckling. Hype might have died down but we’re also in the middle of a world first race, of course Twitch viewership is up for WoW.

Seriously, how do some of you people function in real life?


Don’t get me wrong, i’m glad Squenix has a successful massive re-surge for their game and have their game do well. And good on them i say. They deserve it. But i think Squenix should’ve learned from Blizzard in this aspect awhile back ago to prevent or mitigate something like this to happen to them.

I want them to do well as much as Blizzard here and not fall into the same pitfalls Blizzard did.

Or especially with trillion dollar companies like Amazon that can only give their biggest MMO a 2k cap. :unamused:

…Legit, you guys (Amazon) can breathe out money, HOW CAN YOU NOT AFFORD LARGER SERVERS?!.. :man_facepalming:


And after a year, here you are still talking about it. :slight_smile:

They were essentially trucking along in their own sphere for about a decade, and didn’t expect the huge boost, more a steady rise. This was also at the same time as the chip shortage which also literally impeded their ability to get more server components.

So it was a bit of an outlier situation. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again.

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