No offense, but a typical Pop Singer or some movie gets an award as well. I don’t think this will mean anything to the majority of either playerbases.
Fallout can be modded, which adds so much more to streams/videos, so no wonder there. but yeah everyone is over their honeymoon phase and 9.2 is out now, so they came crawling back.
You got me, man. I’m laughing.
When one game has the rewards for its content and one doesn’t…mmm, sounds a bit bitter.
Mate, i wouldn’t care personally and i don’t think anybody else cares if WoW has awards either. Awards of that sort are just meaningless hype for any game. I mean Bubsy 3D has awards.
You assumed i take the “Pro WoW, Anti-FF14” stance (And don’t give me the “i didn’t say that” card) when my message can be easily applied to any game out there.
There are a few flaws in your research. First, you’re using Twitch as your measurement tool during a WoW World First race going on.
Next, you conducted your research on Saturday at 3 am PDT?
And finally, you’re judging how many players play a game based on Twitch. Perhaps you should actually judge how many people are playing based on… oh I don’t know… how many people are playing.
Here is my data for you for when you conduct your research. I have been a 7 day a week WoW player since 2012. I am now a 2 day a week player (to raid). I spend the rest of my gaming time on FFXIV because there is so much more to do. (And this is less than 30 days into a WoW patch).
I am betting there are a lot more WoW players playing Lost Ark than WoW right now.
WoW andies having group therapy session pretending the game didn’t lose over 50% of it’s players this expansion.
It’s only a few weeks until FF gets the next content drop and then we’ll see the same guys on here saying how much they hate streamers and that twitch doesn’t matter.
Meanwhile, my que to log into FF last night was only 30 players so maybe you’re on to something LMAO.
FF14 was never a good twitch game
It’s big expansion came out and it’s viewership didn’t even increase… that’s honestly embarrassing cause other mmorpg definitely get huge spikes at their launch events
December 4, 2019 is new now?
I did not know a rotting horse could “reign supreme”.
Puff, puff, pass me that copium. Seems like you’ve got a grasp on the good stuff, my guy.
Did you know MMO populations as a whole are much, much lower than they used to be?
Back in the 2000’s MMOs were pretty much the majority option of multiplayer games, and so people played them with their friends and everyone invested. That’s not the case anymore. Decent multiplayer games are everywhere.
It get you’re nostalgic for a better time, but be honest with yourself. More people have quit Warcraft than are currently playing it. Surely you must know this. You are the minority, not the majority.
WoW is a meme. Everyone that plays it knows as such. Shadowlands + BFA (and WoD) are the reasons. Lore has been absolutely demolished.
Blizzard of today is a long-gone, far cry from the amazing “Nintendo of PC” they used to be. Good at telling corny but cool stories and giving the playerbase what they wanted. Now we get none of those two things, just what Blizzard thinks we want.
We play this game because we are familiar with it. That’s pretty much it. The gameplay is smooth, and I cannot think of another reason to stick around.
They had to put in an entire extra datacenter and actually STOP SELLING THE GAME because they were completely overflowed with players.
Most of the servers are still at capacity, and none of the major streamers of FF are even streaming now. Hell, Zepla is still fleeing Ukraine.
I need to use this phrase more. “The data is probably out there!”
…That only tracks the steam version of FF14.
FF14 not only has it’s own launcher, but also on Mac, PS4, PS5, and Xbox one.
Streamers were wrong about FF14. Streamers were wrong about New World. Streamers were wrong about Lost Ark.
Current WoW viewership on Twitch ~ 56K! [/quote]
But MrGM and T&E don’t talk anything else but WoW. They talk like they never played any games outside of WoW.
Imagine spending 25 years of an MMORPG and have nothing else to talk about but same game.
Thrid. Elden Ring scored like 12 Million sales.
thats because the asmongold hype train left ff 14 and is playing the p2w mmo lost ark.
“Awards don’t matter”- says game that doesn’t have any.
This is true, I mentioned that later on
why u gotta b so mean?
Twitch is a really bad metric.
(Opens twitch)
Lets see… Asmongold has 56.9k viewers now for lost ark.
Lost Ark has 93.1 K viewers total.
So Asmongold has personally determined for you that Lost Ark is a successful game.
World of Warcraft has 168k Viewers.
Asmongold is about 1/3 as popular as WoW during World First runs.
This is amazing, you guys should just quit WoW for Asmongold, he’s the best game in town.
(again, in a couple weeks most of you will go back to the I HATE STREAMERS! PEOPLE WHO LISTEN TO STREAMERS ARE STUPID! comments)