It seems pretty universally accepted that PVP died in Legion what are ways to bring it back with a vengeance?

I dunno about you but ever since Legion launched pvp has been painfully slow, painfully low risk and painfully low reward. Every single spec in this game has 90 different forms of cc and mobility and every single dps seems to follow this weird ideology of generate resource and spend resources except the generator part of this gimmick always does zero damage and all the damage is front loaded into spenders and cooldowns… complete antithesis of when WoW pvp was at it’s peak in Wrath and when it was arguably the funnest for most players.

I mean… there was more cc in wotlk or the same but less DR sharing. I agree at the generator vs spender b.s thats been going on for awhile now.

I personally feel like PvP died in WoD.

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Yes I agree half and half on when pvp died… Half of it died in WoD but I think it was kill shotted in Legion personally… Legion is when pretty much every spec lost many iconic abilities and became very homogenized to an extreme. The game now feels like casters don’t cast they just instant cast or have to use gimmicks like Greater pyro. I mean the list of stupid design and mechanics is endless and the unbelievable power of passive abilities and the sheer amount of passives in this game now is just gross.

my ideas:

  1. bring back pvp vendors
  2. bring back reforging
  3. fix the talent choices. i mean make them better. most rows of talents have 1 good talent and 2 other choices r garbage. give us ways to customize our class instead of every1 having the same exact spec
  4. get rid of azerite gear/traits system
  5. solo Q
  6. pvp balances every 60 days at least

thats all i would want and i think pvp would be so much more fun

Nerf mages.

pvp always dies when the game stops balancing it or putting any effort into it

They need to seriously consider not having core things tiled to talents, here are 2 examples, why is earth shield a talent? Rsham feels kinda bad not having that baselie. Lights grace for holy paladin, how is a passive spell like that just not baseline? A valuable pvp talent slot is taken up by a passive ability, that should be core to the class.

On another note, they need to have a free to play tourney server where people can select from all the gear they need without having to farm it. A free to play tourney server like that would massively reduce the barrier of entry to pvp.

Make everything OP

“Every class has 90 CC’s.”

You have no idea how much cc has been removed and forced to share DR with other cc in this iteration of the game.

There is less cc now than probably ever before.

Removing even more cc is the opposite of what should happen.

It should feel like every class has 90 abilities. The more different asymmetrical abilities that each class has the more depth the game has. I don’t think they should remove even more abilities. I don’t want this game to become LoL with 5 button characters or whatever that game has. This is just not going to be a game that is ever really even similar to that game, other than it’s about team fights.