EVERY WoW beta test (not counting the initial release for obvious reasons) required an active subscription. They want the people testing to be people who actually play and understand the game.
All of you that resubbed hoping to get a beta invite: take it as a life lesson. That was a dumb choice that anyone could have told you not to make if you have no interest in logging on in BfA.
Not true either, while my TBC, and Wrath invites explicitly stated an active subscription was needed. Cata was more vague in its phrasing, and the MoP beta did not even mention a subscription.
Delusion caused by preconceived notions. Nowhere did I say they were perfect. But they have fixed bugs… because of community feedback… you pointing to something that is not a bug as proof they are not fixing bugs or listening to the community about bugs (what I was talking about) proves you have zero ability to admit Blizzard are doing anything positive for Classic.