It is what it is

Ran into multiple cases where these people who spam boosting in chat are now spam kicking people out of dungeons for random reasons. It is kind of scary considering that I’m sure blizzard keeps track of this and I don’t want my account gone because some weirdo and his group boosting someone spam kicked everyone for any reason some of them being that ive seen : Being Racist, Bad, AFK, DC’d when non of these were true they are just abusing this feature. Not to mention bots boosting people by spamming AOE pulling every quest mob and threatening to report you for w.e (insert Reason) this is mostly found in World quests from my experience. Just kind of sucks people Most likely will end up getting into trouble with continuous reporting or just ruining people experience. I know no-one reading this who works for bliz cares but figure I would say what I see. It is what is it.