It is true that 2004 > 2020

“My 16th year playing the same old game.”

I mean people would even wonder why you are playing it at this point with that attitude.

“Don’t blame Blizzard. Blizzard has NO WAY to turn hundreds of thousands of people into “the people they were 15 years ago”.”

There are definitely steps Blizzard could take but that would cost time and money and I hear they already don’t pay their employees.

“Lol, what are you on about guy? The game is fun as ever. Go away.”

Why would you even bother posting something like this? Oh and the hat your blood elf is wearing makes her look really dumb.

Please review your recent post history and self reflect on this statement.

No thanks Blizzard shill.

Is what happens when you’ve got a 15 year old game where it’s all been figured out.

Nature of Classic is toxic because the competitive players, for lack of a better term, define the culture of the game.

In a 15 year old game that means exploiting/diminishing the experience down to a numbers crunching and efficiency game, and if you don’t adhere to the model they’ve created you fall behind.

Becomes a question of if you value gear and efficient raiding over what you consider to be fun in the game.

Becomes a problem when things like boosting, as you’ve already mentioned, affect your ability to ignore that culture in the game and play how you see to be fun.

Simply cannot fight gold inflation or other unfun crap in Classic because of how the economy works, the guys who min/max it down to a weird autistic level of repetition for hours on end day in and day out dictate everything on that end.

Also doesn’t help that A LOT more people than folks want to admit RMT gold from the same people dictating these standards so that they can keep up with them.


Also, video is relevant:

As a counter example, 2020 has given us harley quinn season 2 and season 4 of attack on titan so i think it somewhat evens out.

Classic is worlds more popular and better then Retail.

Going to be a sad day when Classic TBC is hinged on getting Shadowlands or something.

Nope. Humanity remains the same. The bad is just more noticeable because of the ubiquity of social media and the tendency of all media platforms to only report such. In 2004 everyone didn’t have a little computer in their pocket telling them every little bad thing that’s happening without falter. The news has had a 24hr cycle for a long time, but it used to be folks only paid attention to it from 9-10p now it’s all day and all your friends are reporters.

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My examples were premieres not sequels :).

Not today Satan, not today.


I disagree, a year is a number and honestly, every year has a lot of poopy stuff going on if you focus on the negative. I think the issue is with gaming communities in general, and how gaming has evolved.

The entire medium is a cesspool. It is a place for people to anonymously act like douchebags, and is oddly packed full of people with massive egos, considering the majority are dorks and socially inept in their real lives.

In 2004 gaming was still relatively niche. In 2020 it is mainstream. This is what mainstream success does to anything, it opens the floodgates to the general populace.

In summary, people are garbage, they will ruin anything the get their hands on, gaming is not immune and WOW Classic is just a casualty of that truth of life.

yes you didn’t know anything that was going on in the game out side the patch notes no 20 site’s deta mining every little thing. No boss guides to clear the raid in 30 mins on tuesday. you just played a game the way you wanted with friends

Tried to get a refund on the defective year 2020, but that didn’t work.


2004 sucked, I was still getting over the fact we were done with lord of the rings at the time and I missed it a lot.

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In 2004, you had nerdy little kids begging their parents for internet time with no money to pay for WoW on their own. In 2020, the internet AND gaming is mainstream done by everyone.

People haven’t become more toxic, accessibility has. That being said, this generation is still a bunch of whiny @#$%s. lol.