It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Oh, the dude who doesn’t even play the game or just gets carried? Gotta love that.


What did asmonbald say? Do you have a link?

It was never a problem. Raid design and addon overreach was a problem in WoD, a blanket of all addons has never been the problem. If you do not want them, do not use them.

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Its time for you to git gud.

This is only on the basis of your own opinion, and not fact! Addons have never been a problem, otherwise, if they were, Blizzard would’ve done something by now.

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I ask again: Which mechanics, currently, do people not feel are properly telegraphed?

There is an addon to keep track of your mouse???

I do need that!

There are several.

I use the Ultimate Mouse Cursor weakaura, personally. Not only does it put a large circle around your cursor so it’s easier to track/find, but it also shows your GCD/cast times on the circle border, if you want.

Fully customizable in every way, of course.


Thank you very much

Obviously you have too much confidence on Blizzard. :joy:

In fact, the existence of addons shows Blizzard doesn’t address problems in wow.

Every single person who plays WoW and uses addons was a new player at some point, and learned about them.

Basic computer literacy, reading comprehension, and general curiosity is all you need to setup a slew of addons if you want. Or not. Unless you are playing the game at the highest level, addons are not necessary.


Blizzard probably reading this, seeing how they can implement a completely separate game era where no addons are allowed, wondering how they can monetize it.

Of course, anyone with an average IQ can understand and setup addons, given enough time and experience. Afterall, WoW is a game, not rocket science.

Except there are plenty of other games that don’t require new players to waste time learning 3rd party stuffs, just to have acceptable in-game experience.

WoW’s current status with addons is simply a disaster for gaining new players ever.

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I need an addon that plays the game for me, and sends me a weekly email telling me about all the cool stuff I did.

New players will play for weeks or months without needing to engage with add-ons at all. Also, while you claim other games “don’t need them”, most popular mmorpgs absolutely do have significant add-on usage, including ffxiv, eso and GW2.

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I can at least understand the arguments for blocking raid/dungeon helper-type addons, but without the QoL provided by addons in terms of non-raid/dungeon gameplay and the UI, the game would actually suffer.

Addons fill the gaps that Blizzard is unwilling to; I mean, I have to use a separate Edit Mode enhancer addon because I can’t move the default class power bar since Blizzard can’t get some intern to slip in some code to make it movable/hideable in default UI Edit Mode, just as one minor example. Might they allow it eventually? Maybe, maybe not. Why should I have to wait for them to get around to it?

And while niche, I surmise activities like pet battling would fully die out without the QoL pet battle addons.

Why do people who barely engage with the game care about addons so much?

Sorry bud, but you aren’t suddenly going to be a Mythic caliber raider with your 0 seasons of experience if addons were suddenly banned.


The existence of addons is the reason Blizzard doesn’t have to improve it.

It is always nice to have 3rd party doing your job for you.

As long as addons are allowed, your default game experience will slack.

That’s amazing thanks!

And do it much much better than Blizzard would… so no change is needed.