It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Is there any link about this info?

Im adding things like TSM to my kill list as well. :+1:

No more goblins running the AH like its their job on wall street.



There’s a bunch of threads in EU and the PTR forums. Basically, they’re throttling the communication channels that some addons use, like TRP3, so loading any information that used those comms will no longer work or will work so slowly that you won’t get the information for minutes to hours, depending on the addon. And there is no way to just simply rewrite the addons, thus rendering them completely unusable.


It’s like nobody’s ever heard of Curseforge. It’s literally just a single button to update everything. :rofl:

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For the millionth time, that’s not what TSM even does. There’s a reason why it’s still allowed.


Seriously? I don’t use addons to tell me how to play the game, but who cares? Play the game how you want, and stop being a nimby.


Also frustrating that people like the OP call for blanket bans when only a small amount of addons fit the definition of what harms the game in their opinion. Most addons are for QoL, utility, and RP.


They are the same. It is incompetent game designing in one way or another.

You can argue that these addons are necessary because of poor game design, but that doesn’t speak to the usefulness or player experience that addons bring to the table. Removing them would demonstrably make the game worse - even borderline unplayable for certain communities.


Oh cool, so I can’t know what my performance is, what my teams performance is, why things are going wrong or what can be improved.

May as well delete raid progression while you’re at it.

“Be a carpenter, no you can’t have a saw or a hammer or a measuring tape”


Yeah, addons are useful that’s why they are popular. DPS meter back in the day was really popular. It let people get kicked for not keeping up with there dps during boss fights, sometimes basic dungeons.

I did watch that asmongold vid and it was pretty sad. Truthfully though if they removed addons it would remove a lot of people from doing raiding, I would presume majority.

Looked at about 70 posts on here and those people probably couldn’t do a basic raid boss without having it hold there hands through the whole fight.

Interesting thread btw, thx.

Im sure that there is more reason why these top guilds disbanded other than addons. for these people who are so hardcore on getting WF will do it by any means necessary removing addons would do nothing to effect this and likely just have some way to track it out of game or make far less of competition.

Raiding isnt hard with or without dbm… its a practiced skill DBM just makes it more accessible them making encounters that break these addons just helps kill the accessibility of the game. More and More casuals just want a one and done experience though and less about learning as a group and addons help facilitate that. again the tracking and such will just be moved out of game and be slightly less accurate but still useable.

100% agree with this but the addons are there to take that development off Blizz… the UI overhaul killed one of my favorite UI addons? do think the UI overhaul was perfect no do I think its great yeah it did what the addon did minus moving a few items sound I found another addon to correct those issues

Yeah it sucks if you have to keep resetting up all of that over and over again. but the thing about these addons that everyone seems to forget they are 100% your choice to use them.

Killing addons is a bad move.

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Think your being a little melodramatic. Many games operate perfectly fine without addons though most present the information slightly differently so that one can understand it better.

Learning mechanics should be about using your brain and not relying on an addon to tell you to get out of stupid. Learning to DPS shouldn’t be about how fast can I smash buttons and in the proper order.

The game was a lot more fun when people took time to sit back and enjoy the content without feeling rushed to be the best all the time and if you’re not your thrown away.

I said a long time ago that an entire generation of raiders has become so dependent on addons that without them they wouldn’t be able to play the game. I learned to play by taking visual cues, listening and reading what the person I was fighting was doing. While I don’t raid as often anymore when I did, I was damn good at it.

World of Warcraft is the only game I have ever played that needed addons to play. Makes me wonder then why that is so, is it poor coding on the developer’s part. When I did raid competitively in WoW, you were not allowed to raid if you didn’t have certain addons that made raiding extremely easier.

In Ever Quest (7 years) you learned the scripts, you learned the timers and brute forced fights with 72 other players in that raid. All content was contested and was a way to block a guild from progression. In Star Wars: The old Republic (5 years) again it was about learning mechanics and timers and pushing out as much pressure to succeed.

Neither of those two games when I played them had addons. Pretty sure Ever Quest has some addons now however.

How do I learn my DPS if I don’t even know what my DPS is?

DBM doesn’t tell you how to do a mechanic, only that it’s happening.

DBM literally has voice warning like “stack up”, “move to X/Y/Z”, “taunt the boss”, etc. which is exactly telling you how to do a mechanic.

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The base game will give you a warning sound and text in huge yellow letters across your screen. And DBM doesn’t have specific coordinates to move somewhere. It just tells you to get out. Also: DBM has existed since BC with a predecessor of it in Vanilla. Why is it a problem now?

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Because Asmonbald said so :dracthyr_shrug:


It is always a problem, not just now.

Except it isn’t.