It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

To improve the game itself and in-game settings/functions.

Allowing addons give Blizzard little motive to improve its own game, because they know third parties will do the job for them. Just look at how long it took for them to make UI/bag customization. e.g.

Banning addons will give Blizzard actual pressure to improve and offer players more convenient and less buggy game experience.

Why is always someone who doesn’t raid with this opinion?

What else are you doing? Rotations are mindless for anybody at that level of play, all theres left to look at is enemy mobs, I could see if its your first pull being off by not having timers in front of you, but if after a few goes at it you don’t notice a trend of boss does X when A cooldown has 30s left and every third boss Y you have no defensive and you’re instead relying on addons to tell you this information, you’re probably the one causing your raid group to wipe in progression to mechanics others have strategized around within the first hour

It’s cute you believe Blizzard would implement the functionality they’d get rid of by banning addons.


No? I never suggested banning addons.

I appreciate the rest of your post for the tone change. I hope the next time we disagree in a thread we both manage to do so academically, as fans of the game who just want it to be better.


I’ll take my UI addons over blizzards trial and error BS any day. You can cry for addons to be banned all you want, however it wont happen.

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So, not going to discuss, going to deflect? I will let you know I used to raid and plan to again when my work schedule gets updated.

What is the point of this? It is totally meaningless assumption and mocking which has nothing to do with the topic. :joy:

And agreeing with each other by personal attacks on others? :rofl:

No Deflection.

People thinking easy/simplicity = fun is not a majority opinion of people who actually raid.

Most people who take your stance and haven’t abandoned their threads after getting piled on for 300 posts usually come here after getting declined for something.

But then says

Ah here goes the projection :joy:

In the almost 17 years I’ve been downloading from Curse and WoW interface, i have never ONCE gotten any type of security issue on my computer.

Just admit you haven’t got a clue as to what you are talking about and call it a day.


I didn’t say simple, said overly complex and used prime examples many including top raiders complained about. And you did deflect, you tried to side step by using that I ‘don’t raid’ to end discussion without merit.

You literally just deflected.

Source that top raiders complained about those mechanics?

I totally agree.

Combat addons like DBM is not the only reason why fights are getting more complicated and more difficult.

Even without combat addons, the encounters will still be harder and more complicated, because players are getting better and better over the years.

But combat addon is still a big reason, even though it is not the only reason.

They’re trolling because you disagree with their point of view?


Oh, this may be a case of lumping you into a group incorrectly (based on the context given). So, that’s my bad. This thread, in a nutshell, is like pulling teeth.

Next time we interact, I’ll be sure to not consider you as part of the “Sunday thread” crowd.

As far as my comment about “that’s not good enough” – To quickly explain, I was hoping to see actual spell names or some sort of reference to a spell that we can both review. And to offer an olive branch in good faith, there are some occurrences of spell visuals that aren’t good enough for me. But I still hold that all the important spells are telegraphed, albeit some being harder to see when there’s a meatgrinder pull of 8+ mobs.

I think that’s where we can have a fruitful discussion. Find the common ground, and empathize with each other’s experiences.


They are trolling because they claim to speak for everyone, spread misinformation, move the goal posts
they just arent here honestly.


They are trolling because they are a level 10 alt posting a bad faith topic that has already been used in this same way on the forums. It’s very transparent.