It is time. Spell breakers and necromancers

Assumptions makes everyone look bad.

And yes i do know how they function. For ppaying as long as i did it would be sad if i did not.

Some things overlap sure, but not allot of concepts does.

An example would be say void knights vs paladins, at a magic level.

Light heals, presrves and tries to provoke positive emotions

Void currupts (seen as mutations), devours, tortures and provoke depressing emotions and survival instincts.

If the 2 “classes” exist, with the lore around paladins being embeud with light, they would have to be 2 seperate classes as the void knight would prefer currupting and torture rather then healing and upholding justice.

In that case they can do different powers or different skins of powers.

And then you completely fail to explain how these new classes would not water down current specs, when I gave exact examples showing how they would water down current classes. Gonna explain how these classes you proposed don’t step all over currently established classes, or nah?


You can’t reason with them. They just want an aesthetic with a specific name to trigger dopamine.


Or you fail to read what the basic concept of them would be that i put down.

No class has ranged focused pets.

No class has a sword and board dps.

Arcane as a magic school is more then the mage specs.

Necromancers has that slowly turn into undead problem they can use as ideas for CD’s.


I find it rude to call someone them, and it is sounding it can go both ways.

Dude, yes they do. Demo lock. But, regardless, what does it matter if the pets are ranged or melee? There is ZERO MECHANICAL DIFFERENCE for the caster. You are watering down demo lock.

There was, and it was removed because it was problematic and couldn’t be balanced.

You’re right, which is why balance spec druids use arcane magic.

DK lichborne turns them into an undead. Stop trying to water down current classes, like damn dude.

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No demo lock worth his salt uses imps. They are focused more around the melee demons.

Oh ok, so you think playing melee things and ranged things are the same?

Nah bruh.

No there was not. Also we are in a time where we have super mobile classes and classes that has as powerful defenses then sheild users minus tanks.

Actually not really. The arcane part of the class is reflective of the moon phase of the spec. Lore wise it still is nature magic.

Mechanically, lore wise they already are. Similar to forsaken, but mechanically they are humanoids to prevent undead baised cc to be used on them.

Anything else?

Your assumptions is not the truth.

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People really gotta stop asking for things that already exist.

Necromancers bring nothing to the table that warlocks and DKs don’t already. Spellbreakers aren’t even a fleshed out idea, and the “magic in melee” is covered by Enhance and dps DKs.

The only fantasy trope that isn’t covered yet is bards, and since there’s no such thing as a support spec (yet) that would be tricky. And the only other class precedented by Warcraft history is Tinker, which is iffy since engineering exists as a profession.

You’re better off asking for fourth specs that would re-imagine the existing classes in new ways, especially if the rumors of a new Evoker spec are true.


Could someone clarify for me why Ranged pets would be a worthwhile addition to the game? Also why the necromancer would get them when demons have more prevelant ranged mobs relative to the shambling hordes? Or how this wouldn’t just be a stinkier verison of warlock?

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necromancers are way overdue!

it’s just the lore that would be tricky since it’s banned by almost every faction on azeroth.

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Necromancers would just amount to being a glorified warlock skin. If you want something cool like diablo, they wont do that.

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Ranged pets avoid pathing issues.

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Heck yeah necromancers! I’ve even got 2 templates for it than can work.

Template 1 - A melee spec that has a primary undead minion who works in tandem with you. You can empower your minion temporarily and even have cooldowns letting you call on more minions. Your primary way of dealing damage is maintaining a disease and building up “charges” and then popping said charges.

Template 2 - A caster spec that has a primary minion that serves you. The main part of your DPS roation will be building up a resource and then expending the resource to call on multiple other minions. Like say spending 2 charges to summon some “necro dogs” or a “hand of necro” that crashes into the target and makes 4 imp…err plague spitters. You can have cooldowns where you temporarily summon bigger demo…err make necromancer minions that serve you for a time.

Yeah these are so totally unique ideas that TOTALLY aren’t ripoffs of already existing specs.


Ranged PETS and melee PETS are mechanically identical. If my monkey is in melee or ranged, what difference, mechanically, does that make to me? Like, are you just being intentionally obtuse now because you have no argument?

Gladiator stance warrior, punkin.

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While I agree that there are magical styles that aren’t yet available (Arcane Melee/Tank for example) which I would like to see, I believe the best and quickest way to implement these is through class-wide glyphs that reskin all the abilities.

It’d take too long to implement each and every one as a new class.
New classes are also traditionally only done when it makes sense, which adds to the length in time it’d take. (Necromancer wouldn’t happen anytime soon since Shadowlands was just last expansion [excluding that we already have Death Knights and could likewise re-skin Warlocks]).
If done as classes it also threatens to step on the pre-existing classes.

DKs are necromancers

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And paladins are spellbreakers. Good luck getting this dude to listen to reason, though.

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Really sad to see pessimists ruining a fun thread yet again

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I want to have a healer/melee dps/ranged dps/tank for each cosmic force.
It’s just easier to do it through glyphs.

There’s too many missing for new classes to cover in unique ways (without stepping on the toes of other classes), and glyphs allows it to be covered while allowing people to mix and match their desired play style with their desired force.

I may not want to play a Light Melee (Paladin) but if I love the feel of Paladin but simply want it to be a different force instead (Void or Fel for example), I could simply use a glyph and get what I want.

Want to play a rogue but prefer the element of Ice/Frost? Glyph.

New classes could still happen to fill some gaps, but it’d take several expansions whereas you could deploy these glyphs each and every month.

Need a light based ranged DPS specs. Necromancer territory is covered by Affliction and Unholy,. I’d like to see an Engineer/Tinker class too, way too much machinery in the game to not have a class built around it.