It is time. Spell breakers and necromancers

Within the lore, Spellbreakers are Belf Warriors

Also Necromancer wouldn’t really bring anything new to WoW unfortunately. What would make them any different than a Warlock? And no saying “Necromancers use undead” isn’t an answer.


Ranged, does not use swords. Spell breakers are melee fighters.

Imp, the only one they have, and considered useless in most content.

Summons =/= pets.

Water elemental is in a odd spot, they have little interaction with them and the water mage can even spec without it.

As a DK player, it is not my goal to water DK’s down. Necromancers and DK’s can co-exist.

Incorrect. They use magic with their fighting, and specialize in countering mages. Warriors having spell reflect doesn’t really reflect the arcane know-how that spell breakers has.

Maybe a more focus on ranged pets, and lich themes which warlocks don’t really touch?


Imp, tyrant, vilefiend, all ranged. We already have enough specs in the game, there is NO reason to water down existing classes to make room for more specs to make the game even more imbalanced.

If frost specs water ele, ever, it is -specifically- to use the frost nova interaction to shatter big spells. We just don’t, because water ele sucks.


no, as a demo lock we don’t need more summoners to steal our thunder, DH already stole my demon form

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We already have a magic sword board style tank and healing. That isnt something new just because we say “arcane”. It needs to have a playable difference.

How would the gameplay be different than a demo warlock with 30 imps?


Your putting words in my mouth. I do kot want to water down existing classes. Also only 1 of those you listed attacks at a range

Which is why i said they seem to be in an odd spot.

Demo locks mostly use melee pets, this will hardly effect you if necro’s pets are ranged baised.

But we lack a sword and board dps, and did not get a new sheild class ever. Also the one magic school that can also heal does not have a healing/tank spec around it.

And there would be if they simply followed the lore baised on arcane magic. It is far more then summoning fire/ice or manipulating time.

Can transform into liches themselves, summon different ranged baised undead instead of summoning suicidal demons. Not army baised but baised on using the more powerful undead that DK’s has little control over, they can also avoid a plague baised theme for a more undeath one.

No. I have to type 10 words otherwise it’d just be no.

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As 4th specs for mages and DKs respectively? sure.

As their own class? Absolutely not.

The game will never do 4 specs for anything not druid.

Also they have enough stuff to warrant their own class.

Also necromancers are living beings performing necromancy. Death knights are undead themselves. They cannot mix.


I’d like some sub-classes or class skins or something that add different things. Like Spellbreaker, Chronomancer, etc.

Eh, class skins just will lead to bad precedent. It also stifles creativity on something that can and should be it’s own class.

Also i never want to see a “void knight” in the paladin order hall.

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Can you stop with the juxtaposed classes already?

Can you stop trolling on feed back?

I feel like half of these new class request threads could be solved if Blizzard took a good hard look at the glyph system.

Have a glyph that changes your holy spells to arcane particles. There your BE paladin is now a spell breaker.

Same with night elf priest turns into a priestess of Elune.

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See above about class skins.

Bad precedent.

He’s just throwing crap at the wall and calling it Spellbreaker.

Not really. But hey, let’s go in other ppls threads and just insult them, that will show ppl right?

At least attempt to conceptualize your awful classes.

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Then you do not understand how classes function currently. There are no new niches that need to be filled, especially with what you’ve suggested. Spellbreaker is currently filled by warrior, prot paladin, and DK. You’d need to steal abilities like AMZ, AMS, spell reflect, and blessed hammer. There is nothing left that hasn’t already been explored.

If you have any ideas that aren’t melee sword and board that disrupts magic (see above) or ranged caster that attacks with a horde of summons (demonology warlock) or has a big transformation as a primary mechanic (ele shaman and old demo lock), then go ahead and propose them, but I seriously doubt you do.

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I think if it’s handled like some certain servers have it can be good. Especially if certain things overlap with existing classes. Other things could be sub-classes or specs.

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