Hats that don’t cancel out your fancy 'do. I want to wear so many hats. Crimson felt hat, pretty much any of those MoP conical hats. With me seeing the new long hairstyles some races are getting (but only 3 for pandaren with no long straight hair option like the undead and humans have 800000 of, of course.) I want to actually be able to see them… and my wizard hat!
I wear goggles
So you want hover hats that float above your head then? How does one wear a hat and not mess up their 'do?
Amen to that! When I wear my Bloodsail Admiral hat, I want to see my gorgeous and ever so manly hair flowing in the breeze! I don’t want everyone to just assume I want to see their manager!!
You want to have hats AND hair? The panda has clearly gone mad!
That sorcery is beyond us. You would go against the natural order.
See how coolio this is? We could have this. We have the technology.
Do Vulpera count as hats? Can I get one of those?
Careful there, you try that with me, I’ll light your tail on fire so hard Sylvannas would wonder why I wasn’t used to burn Teldrassil.
Thanks, I’m not trusted enough yet I think.
Blizzard really doesn’t have a excuse on why hats override hair.
RuneScape allows hair to appear under hats. Their game engine is vastly inferior to Warcraft’s.