It is intentional

There is not 36+ specs doing 30-50% less AoE damage, they only need to balance what is needed. Look, there is always be a bottom, the problem is when the distance is far too big.

It is not incompetence, it is not about being hard to tune, it is all about “they don’t want you to play a BM Hunter in M+ right now”. Maybe next season?

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Yes, there’s going to be variations. But I just hit 80 on my DK this morning and did a T8 immediately at ilvl 555. Cleared it faster and easier than I would on this character at ilvl 611. That shouldn’t happen, ever.

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Probably. If it were me I’d see how they go about balancing internally, then probably assign one person to balance feral and assassin rogue how they see fit afterwards have someone balance assassin with another dps spec, and continue on till every spec is complete and view the results changes and compare with different content and comps and it would be rather hard but I think it would close gaps significantly.

I need to see how they attempt balancing internally though maybe it’s trickier than it appears. You can’t just have the best raid run be all warlocks or something.

Someone necro’d a post early today on accident and the OP from it was complaining about his class being nerfed and not balanced and rage quit. When checking, come to find out he really did log out that day and never came back. He was very active player with many achievements over the years. That was a 6 year old post. So people do in fact quit when they say they will and some don’t come back because of it. I don’t believe its some Illuminati conspiracy that they are intentionally sabotaging classes either. All classes evolve. They all go through changes. They all have their moments (unless your a rogue).


When things are account bound, with a lot of emphasis on alts. Its almost “expected” that you have alts.

When its expected that one will change characters, there is less emphasis of needing to adequately balance things. because it will be expected you just change characters to something higher performing.

When there is a larger expectation of the playerbase being committed to a “main”, there is more incentive to properly balance. Because its more likely a person will take a break, quit, etc.


I know I’ve stopped playing some expansions for months and only came back when the next expansion was being released and often over balance issues. Hell, I used to be heavily involved in PVP rather than PVE but gave that up in Legion after an absolutely dreadful experience which was the cherry on the poop sundae which was my experience with PVP. I was on my sin rogue and ganked a guardian druid in world content. The fight lasted several minutes and never ever did the druid’s health drop below 80%. I died. Checked his armory, he was SEVERAL tiers below me gear-wise. I took it as a sign that the devs just didn’t care and stopped PVPing then. I’ve PVP’d once in a while since then and each experience has only further convinced me that I want nothing to do with it. The closest I got to getting into it again was some arenas in Shadowlands and that was to help a friend. And I didn’t like it. It was on my shadow priest and our strategy consisted of me doing everything I can to survive because I would immediately be the focus of the enemy team then using Void Shift to switch health with my teammate and then hope that would be enough to mess with the enemy’s strategy to take them down. I hated it. And I’m not going back to PVP.

Hell, I did ONE battleground this expansion just to check it out. It was the blitz, the one with the cooking. I quickly realized I was doing all the damage on my team after I noticed the enemy team was camping our pot and no one was doing anything. I finished that match and I’m not queuing again.

whats ironic is the guy i mentioned that rage quit was a druid during legion and it was the pvp changes why he left LOL. They nerfed druid into the ground for obvious reasons

lol xD

You want to find out just how easy it is to balance things in a game?

Play a RPG maker game. Make a group of four classes. Then make their weapons
and armor they will be using. Then make the abilities they are going to have at
that point in the game. Figure out how strong each character has to be. How strong their weapons and armor will be. Then, how srong their spells and abilities need to be.

Then make a multi floor dungeon, the enimies for in the dungeon along with their abilities, and how strong the enimies attacks and armor need to be.
Then make the boss at the end of the dungeon. How much HP does this boss need?
How much attack power and armor?

Now, try to balance just that perfectly. Where the characters wont just run over everything. Or just die mid dungeon. But will be able to get to the end and still
have a challenge downing the boss without getting wiped out by said boss.

Now, imagine doing that for 36(?) different characters and however many mods,
and bosses, there are in each dungeon and raid.

Did anyone here claim it’s easy?

FOTM has been around since Vanilla.


I don’t think we have true account-based progression. Gear is still linked to your characters. You might get a boost from rep-gated gear. But that’s minimal. I think that’s the one fact that causes your conjecture the most issue.

Besides that, what if you have cause and effect reversed? What if account-based progression is adopted in lieu of balancing of classes precisely because it has never been balanced and a character-based progression has been inadequate in the past? Might their solution then be appropriate?

Guardian, Feral, Prot Pally, and Arcane (Mage) are all in a good place. I have no complaints.

It would simple to do in theory. It’s all math. But in practice, different players with the same talents, information, and gear get different results.

Some of this has to do with some specs having different stat piorities for ST and AoE. You almost need two different gear sets or at the very least 2 sets of enchanted rings/neck for ST and AoE.

The meta has already shifted like at least 3 different times with class hotfixes. Rogues used to be considered terrible at the start of the expansion and now they’re constantly being put at the top in tier lists for M+.

The only thing that’s been consistent is shamans and death knights being good, and demon hunter tanks.

You’re talking about creating a new game, and not about balancing a game that already exist. We already have all the data we need to figure it out how much horrendous BM Hunter AoE damage is right now, we have parses, sims, tons of data, Blizz could easily tune that if they wanted to, but they don’t want to, because they don’t want people playing BM Hunters in M+ right now.

Look, I understand what you’re saying, and I understand how you perceive this as a very hard task. But think again, look at all the data that is available for us, and just imagine how much more Blizz has… This is just math… Creating a game is really very hard, tho.

We dont yet. Its just drifting that way.

I am speaking more to incentive than actual end result. Regardless of end result, I firmly believe that the more a game shifts to “account progression”, the less incentive there is for specific specs to be balanced.

I’m okay with this but as long as we’re being honest about it, let me make a suggestion:

Let me merge two characters. I will pay boost money to do it; that’s what they’re after. I will level them separately. I will take half exp for the rest of that character’s life.

How people could not, at least, be skeptical of their motives when they literally sell high level characters for 60 dollars a pop is beyond me.

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