Changing the raid lockouts is NOT ok.
They changed this mid-WOTLK…the point is to simply have those changes in earlier…
is there even any point to running the small raids if u run 25h? noob q
Also can i basically skip naxx and be decently geared enough for the tier after? kinda hate naxx
Eh its a fair question tbh, but the obvious answer is there are 10 and 25 man meta achievements that reward mounts.
ok that is kind of cool
They changed the lockouts a half-dozen times through the expansion. They’re picking the “best” system and working with it.
Yes. Heroics drop 200 item level gear. Naxx drops 200/213 iirc. Not all that much difference. Get your os and malygos kills in and you should be fine. Also crafted gear will be a few 200 piece gear in phase 1.
Some trinket Bis will be both 10/25 man heroic versions I’ve heard atleast in togc they had separate uniqueness so could wear both versions.
Naxx 10 and Naxx 25 drop entirely different gear in many cases. Some Naxx 10 gear is bis for some classes, who will be obliged to run it until they get it. Same with Naxx 25. Item level isn’t a good metric for a qualitative analysis in this context.
I mean it was only 1 tier you could run 4 different version of the raid and most people want that changed for ToC since it sucked.
I don’t see merging 10/25 mans as that weould require a lot of balancing changes. And I don’t see them adding toggles to Naxx/Uld since those achieves don’t really work as toggles.
The only thing I could see would be using personal raid locks and possibly boss locks from day one instead of just in ICC.
You have 25 people in the 25 man raid. Complete that and if you don’t get upgrades, you run the 10 man to get upgrades. Or other way around.
No one is OBLIGATED to run both, but having the option was always nice.
It is definitely not the best not being able to run Naxx/Ulduar 25 and Naxx/Ulduar 10 at same week.
Not being able to run both TOC 10/25 normal and heroic also takes a lot of upgrade options.
For ICC, which had the different system, I wouldn’t mind.
Applying it for all raids, not good.
The raid lockouts themselves from ICC would work fine in Naxx/Ulduar. Toggled hardmodes don’t without some in some cases major redesigns of the actual fights.
Today on retail you run once, there is no difference between 25 man and 10 man (old raids). And heroic shares same lock as normal.
If that is applied to ICC 10 / 25 then it would mean less loot.
For ToC it already means less loot, because we had guaranteed 4 lockouts.
I sure as hell dont want to have to run the same crap 4 times a week!
That’s in quotes because they think it’s best, not because it actually is. Opinions are like ***s.
This is hardly a change and a good one, it’s only talking about toc. Should be only allowed to run 25 and 10 mans once, similar to icc when heroics drop
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