It is 3:30 a.m and I am currently eatting a lemon pie

not a whole pie might you, but a small little personal one. Eating it with alot of enjoyment as i stare at my login screen. My choices are eat pie and work (because im at work) or eat pie and play.

What say you fellow pie eaters?


I ate a whole apple pie over 2 days. I regretted my choices when I stood on the scale. At the time though…so good!


Pie is awesome! lol I eat to much of it around the holidays admittedly lol

I’m eating a lemon.

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I wish I had pie.


i love lemon meringue pie…
with black coffee!

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I wish I had coffee right now, I am in this cold shop waiting for a bunch of trucks to return by 6:30 - 7:00 and the coffee man chine is broken. I swear if I left my pie on the table to long I would be eating an ice cube pie.

but my bosses logic: Cold makes you stronger, didn’t die did you? see made you stronger.

h…he’s older then mummy dust.


moneymoneymoney…makes people nasty.

so true! not like he is broke either - he has about 75 on average trucks moving a night, each truck makes about 1245 on average making about $93,375 A DAY $466,865 a week so about $1,867,500 a month.

yeah i know he has to pay staff and such but even after that in staffing cost with the average weekly he pays them that comes to about $330,000 a month.

YET he can’t afford a better building, at least some god dang heat!..but hey know what - least he left me a $1.50 personal lemon pie so WINNING here lol.

and people wonder why im so bitter on the forums sometimes LOL

and for everyone wondering: this was the pie he left - what a gifter.

Not a fan of lemon pies but a homemade fresh out of the oven apple pie with a little cinnamon… delicious.

Apple pie does sound good right now, Maybe for Christmas eve I will make one for me and the family.

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This man just brought me a pizza, come over here an’ give me a pizza.

My boss just walked in and asked “why is there no coffee?” also said “brrr chilly isn’t it?” ~_~ i wonder if his son will be worse then he is when he retires lol

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Get’chu a pizza, order yourself some dominos pizza with that chicken taco stuff.

I prefer cake. :smirk:

Ooh, lemon pie is good. We still have a lot of pumpkin pie left.

Ever see American Pie? “We’ll just tell your mother we ate it.” :rofl:

ham and pineapple pizza :vulcan_salute:

It sound’s like you got a cool boss