It has been 5,908 days since DK has been introduced

It has been 5,908 days since DK has emerged into game of world of warcraft. Can we get a questline, a toy, or item that lets us use the rune forge outside of Ebon Hold? Warlocks were able to get an item that turns their spells green, hunters get new items all the time to tame different pets. I’m just asking for a toy or spells or something that lets me have the ability to change my weapon enchant instead of having to trek the whole ways back and forth to the forge. I understand we have a death gate and it places us back in proximity to where we gated, but it would sure be nice to not have to zone in and out through multiple load screens to just swap over 1 enchant.

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It would be nice. I always considered it the tradeoff for never having to pay for a weapon enchant though.


If Blizzard still wants people to go back to Acherus, then just allow people to runeforge a vellum that is either soulbound or becomes soulbound. So while you still have to go back, you dont have to go back as much.

Should be a middleground for everyone, but of course this is the forums and Blizzard we are talking about.

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You can teleport there and return, no matter where you are.
Vendor, repair, runeforge return
How is that not enough?


The return trip does not always take you to where you want to go. It’s bugged for me several times this expac already.

Then put in a bug report.

I’ve always been returned to where I left since they even made that an option. Prior to that it was so much worse.


And Death Coil stills looking like a PlayStation 2 game graphics. That’s sad, actually.