It finally happened to Night Elves now

Look at this:

The Night Elf Wish came true and that means the Night Elves finally gotten their heritage armor to the iconic wardens of Warcraft 3 at last!

This looks like a great time to play a Night Elf.


Instead I am going to use that armor better than any silly knife ear could.


Is it bad that I don’t like either color?


So what’s up with the second white color? Someone said it changes colors depending on night and day, anyone know if that’s true?

That sounds more like the tiger mount that was found alongside these.

Ohh yeah I saw that mount too. Either way I’ll find out when it’s added to the game because I am definitely getting that, I’ve wanted to be a warden for so long

Wardens aren’t our heritage armor. Just sayin’.


It’s probably Tyrande Night Warrior Themed.

Im gonna start maining my night elf just to wear this and be a sneaky warden blinking at everyone

That backside cape looks so…flammable.

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i really hope this is classified as cosmetic and not a specific armor type. i’d kill to be able to use this set

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This is to soften the blow when Tyrande freaking bites it later this expansion.

Oh don’t make me hopeful.



Not Night Elf at all. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Where is this from? Do we have any idea if it’s a tier set (and if so for what class) or a cosmetic transmog set?

nobody knows for sure yet as its pretty early in the datamining. my guess would be heritage armor. if not that then it’s tied to the trading post feature coming

It’s from the new trading post feature that’s coming in 10.0.5.


I think they look really good; the bottom one looks the best.

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If the skirt isn’t tied to the belt and is instead tied to the chest or pants, it’s gonna be one of the biggest Ls for me since my race’s own heritage armor.

I wanna see the jester armor