It’s a mixture of things. My alt hunter’s first game back was 2250 something. So previous season rating matters. That said, rating is super off now so 1800 from last season might as well be 1200. I’d say 1 out of every 2-3 matches has one more more people in a placement game. Not fun. Not enjoyable. These players are awful. Likewise though, there are players who are clearly well advanced beyond 1800, yet are either farming games or are stuck.
I don’t know why they try to seed people in off last seasons mmr. Just do the old thing of putting them at 1500 and having them move up or down from there.
Had my partner queue his alt destro and his literal first lobby this season was 2400 mmr, lmao.
Thankfully I had already grinded out most of my gear… knowing this was going to happen. Players who were 1800-1900 last season should easily be in the 1400-1600 range or lower now.
This is such an easy problem to fix, but blizzard won’t touch it. I have been watching some of the D4 disaster videos the past couple days and this company just isn’t what it once was but a massive margin. Sad.
It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to see it, either.
0-2000 is nothing but lobbies filled with DPS like that warrior. Players at that level will almost always go 0-6 which forces both healers to go 3-3 and be stuck in that rating bracket for dozens of games. It’s possible to climb out of it eventually but it’s a process that takes multiple hours of the single most frustrating and toxic and unfun gameplay that World of Warcraft has to offer.
It is the singularly worst MMR and gameplay design combination I can possibly imagine because this scenario where healers are stuck going 3-3 with DPS who go 0-6 is made even worse by Dampening. The combination ensures that the best players in the average lobby are the healers and Dampening makes sure that they have the least ability to affect the outcome of the game.
This results in most low level shuffle lobbies seeing both healers cycle CD’s to get through the first set of ‘goes’ and then having very little control over the outcome of the second set of ‘goes’ because dampening is north of 40% and rising fast.
This system also means that the Warrior who has no business being in the same game as the healers still either gets a kill and still does their “job” as a DPS or dies and blames his healer which means he’s unlikely to improve or reflect on his performance.
The entire Shuffle game mode is an example of how NOT to make a competitive matchmaking PvP system. Blizzard have made every mistake imaginable in designing it and refused to do anything to fix it.
All jokes aside, in the grand scheme of things, those that can learn, adapt, and/or improve will climb, while those that wallow in excuses will stagnate and continue making dear diary posts about how a, b, c, x, y, z hold(s) them back from achieving the rating that their ego tells them they should have.
There is a reason that the same players who are at the top of the ladder in 2s, 3s, and/or rbgs are also at the top of the ladder in solo shuffle, and believe me, it has nothing to do with the matchmaking system.
It’s really funny that the best players/most successful people can work 1000x harder than the laziest/least successful people/players, and they still will think “I could have done more” or “What else could I have done better?”, etc., while the laziest/least successful people/players continue to make excuses “the President is holding me back”, “Aliens are holding me back”, “the recession/inflation is holding me back”, “I don’t have time to do this/that”, “Blizzard matchmaking and/or bad dps are holding me back”, etc.
Whether it’s a game or irl, if you want to be in the top 1% (or whatever %), you need to stop making excuses, and put in the work to get there. Stop being a candy a$$.
And I’m done. So much for trying to heal rss. Last match a hunter taunting me that I’m bad while he landed 0 traps on the healer. Just went oom each match. Awful trash game.
Then, the match after, 0 CR dps. Not wasting my time with this garbage anymore. Sucks. Really did want to push my priest some.
It’s just what a I prefer. I’m fine if disc isn’t the best. My goal wasn’t to get high rated or anything. haha… Just wanted to get into a range that had some fun games.
Disc does badly need some help, but should be fine at the ratings I’m at. Too bad 1800-1900 is nothing but trash dps.
Oftentimes the DPS in the lobby are not very good but the healers are. So disc being bad affects it quite a bit at all ratings. I’m telling you, that chastise stun into fear is so good I’m surprised disc doesn’t have it
Oh yea, I know chastise > fear is good. I have been on the receiving end. I just don’t like holy. I’d just level another healer if I realllly wanted to push a healer. Which I don’t.
RSS just has too many faults for healers. Things that could easily be addressed. Blizzard is more concerned with their social contract then making a good game these days.
I went into RSS on a fresh DPS toon. All four DPS in the lobby were 0 CR. I thought, “Oh cool! We’re all new.”
Little did I know that after doing well in that first RSS game, my next few games would be at 1800+ MMR, going against 1800+ CR players in full conquest gear.
They were not happy to see me, especially the healers.
I got roflstomped the next couple of games until my MMR went back down to regions where people weren’t fully geared yet.
The players get better so there is for sure less int’ing.
But at the end of the day, fundamentally Shuffle is just a pure trash experience that actually removes your ability to play the game inside 2 minutes.
There is just nothing fun about rotating well for 2-3 sets of CDs before the game just randomly decides to be over because you can’t heal anymore. It’s boring and insanely unfun.
Healing shuffle legitmately feels like babysitting but not getting paid for it. You’re just suffering so that 4 other people can play the game.
3s legitmately feels like it’s not even the same game. 3’s feels like a team game, shuffle feels like i’m just taking it deep so 4 other apes can play the game for 2 minutes.
Maybe. Disc should have the potential for damage. Mindgames non-crit is hitting for sub 30k. Pretty awful. The healing absorb now is trash. They just need to delete atonement completely OR only have it interact with damage from dots.
As is, plenty of games I don’t have free globals for damage anyways. Even keeping dots up is asking a lot. 1800 players just take the D every round.