It actually insane how much better Templar is

the living meme.

ok turalyonnnn

Heh. Guy’s so p1$$ poor that he’s scared to post on his main. :rofl:

ok turalyonn

Yup. Too scared to post on his main.

ok turalyonnnnn

Your main is probably more of a clown than your meme. :rofl:

ok turalyonnnnnn

You know what? You already lost when you posted on your clown/meme character. Either post on your main or get lost

ok turalyonnnn.

Yup, just as I thought. Too embarrassed to post on your main.

Until then, I automatically won and I’m done with you, meme. You’re not worth the time. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

concessionn: acceptedd
it’ss beenn aa pleasureee

You both wasted an hour of your time
 you’re both losers.


my both losers?

sneaky little edit there. you’re welcome
it wasn’t a waste if i enjoyed it though!

If you two are gonna make out like that can you please do it in private?


Apologies, sir.

Herald is better in PvP (BGs at least) insane dot cleave, mastery is hugeeee. Plus you are more tanky than Beeg Hammer spec.

I do wish Herald was tank instead of Templar though. Aura cleave + better healing is like amazing for offtanking + just more fun to see all those numbers.

nothx, templar burst damage is neat for prot paladin. spec desperately needs another offensive spender now that seraphim is gone

Templar has too many talents that do very little to zero for the spec and causes heavy conflict in the rotation
 ill get max honor gear and test out herald just ti see. I dont like herald at all I want templar to be the premier pvp spec but its too unfinished imo