It’s Friday the 13th…

Its rather interesting and there is a lot of debate.

The first two signs of it coinciding was:

A character in the 1834 play Les Finesses des Gribouilles states, “I was born on a Friday, December 13th, 1813 from which come all of my misfortunes”.

An early documented reference in English occurs in H. S. Edwards’ biography of Gioachino Rossini, who died on Friday 13th of November 1868:

“Rossini was surrounded to the last by admiring friends; and if it be true that, like so many Italians, he regarded Fridays as an unlucky day and thirteen as an unlucky number, it is remarkable that on Friday 13th of November he passed away.”[

However different cultures thought time have thought the number both lucky or unlucky. It makes it difficult to sometimes track however as not all civilizations have used a base 10 system. For example 13 in Greek was a sign of incorruptible nature, power and purity signified by Zeus the 13th god.

In Norse culture we have reports that 13 is unlucky yet many of the earliest Sagas mention that 12 is the unlucky number. This may have coincided with the change in faith to Christianity.

Speaking of Christianity 13 is seen as unlucky due to Judas and the the last supper.

The Chinese, Egyptians, and Spanish amongst others view 13 as lucky. While the US, Mexico, Irish and many others consider it unlucky. While in even more it has no supernatural significance.

As far as Friday thats more difficult because the current calendar wasn’t adopted until 1582 though the Romans adopted a 7 day week with Constantine. Other cultures varied widely, Ten in Egypt and an eight-day week for Etruscans.

Ok well that will probably bore people.



All history should be taught by Minotaurs. That way no one will forget and doomed to repeat the same thing.

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Yeah… I’ll skip the birds and bees conversation with Minotaurs.

It would be horrifying.

Let me edit that before it’s flagged…

The people that wrote those old myths were gross.

Given the guy that created Jeepers Creepers. Imma vote Jason

Jason’s got cake too in some movies so thats a bonus

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Jason never really dies. He merely has an annual outing and retires when exhausted.

Man. I wanna go watch Freddy Vs Jason now. Such a fun flick.

The bit where Jason wakes up and Freddy is in the real world. Good stuff. lol

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Fun movie.
I may have to watch it on Halloween. Right after Halloween 3 Season of the witch.


Despite Jason X being tied for being the worst in the franchise (the other being the reboot, though I also enjoyed that one), there was just a lot of stuff in there that gives it the “so bad it’s good” vibes.

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Like Leprechaun in the hood. So bad, it’s fun.


I would say jeepers creepers because he can fly and his big ole axe would destroy the machete.

edit: Plus Jeepers Creepers can regrow body parts.

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I would say Freddy if they were in the dream world.

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I had a co-worker who wasn’t the brightest bulb of the bunch…

He said won’t it be creepy when Friday the 13th and Halloween are on the same date… and I just gave him that sideways look and the WTF stare…


That legit got me to chuckle.

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Hot take… Friday the 13th Part 5 is my personal worst in the franchise.

Odd fact about that movie. The guy that killed that other teen in that movie also played in Return of the Living Dead.


Only if he has replacement parts on hand.


Lol that scene was awesome

My company just mandated an RTO by Jan 2nd. They told us this Yday. Its not going to go well. They are gonna lose a ton of staff and were already understaffed. Nothing to do with Friday the 13th but wanted to vent somewhere.

It it helps you out Vent Away: