It’s a busy day for Blizzard!

Then I get an estimated wait time of 5 minutes to login. 20 minutes later the average wait time is at 10 minutes now…

I’m at a 30 minute wait. I’ve never had to wait before so this is really weird .

Edit: The strangest part is that it’s not even to WoW. What has to happen to lock up the launcher like this?

what did blizzard done?

all my addons are out of date

Has any content been added? Haven’t logged in ages

No. Pandemic and everyone’s home probably

5 weeks of timewalking, an expansion a week , and 50% bonus rep to old expansion reputations

Wasn’t a queue before though

E: Oh snap need rep

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Did you see the new Kevin Bacon movie? ActiBLizzard built the house…

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There’s an additional Authentication maintenance that goes on til 9AM Pacific, so that might be accounting for people being unable to login currently.


Doesn’t matter. Cause I don’t think that anyone will be able to log in due to maintenance.

Same. Started trying to get in like 15 min. ago, when it said 7 min wait. Then it went up to 10 min and has stayed there since.

I got forced out of the game and into a queue.

Battlenet/auth server maintenance, it was announced for today.

There was a message on the launcher yesterday that said additional maintenance would be happening today. Although, it said people already playing should be unaffected, and people wouldn’t be able to log in until it was done.

I haven’t got on my computer yet today to see if there is still any message.
If there is still a message on the launcher, what’s this whole forum post for? lol

I am glad I am working until 2:30 then.

Maybe it will be sorted by the time I get home.

Your mistake was playing on maintenance day, everyone should know there’s downtime on Tuesday

It’ll be sorted by 11cst most likely, this type of maintenance almost never goes over time.

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At an hour now, was only 8 minutes when I still thought maintenance was ending at 8am and not 9am.

Hopefully this is just a new process for dealing with people logging in while the servers are down.

I betcha it won’t be up till after lunch.

Nah, this is literally auth server maintenance, happens every time they do it.