Hi there.
I play Ele on EU West (thats why i have to post on this char in order to write here - EU Forums are pretty empty).
I stopped playing WoW after i hit my goal in season one RSS.
I was never a huge fan of the meta-playstyle from ele shaman (spamming flameshocks on every target and hoping for LB proccs).
When I started to play again a few days ago it felt even worse. At least in season one I was able to deal dmg although the play style felt fiddly and boring at the same time.
Now it seems hard to even deal good dmg after the pvp talent is gone.
I wonder if there is any chance to play a funny/weird full-crit build that focuses on Stormkeeper, Earthshocks and maybe even Elemental Blast.
In Shadowlands there was that funny Vesper totem build that only a handful of Eles played but it was super effective.
I know that there is nothing similar to that right now. But still. Anything is better than this garbage meta build.