Issues with New Forums

so I have issues with the new forums.

A) Every time I log in it defaults to my lvl 103 DH. This is not my main, this is not even a max lvl toon.

B) When I accidentally posted on said toon, there’s no way for me to change the posting attribution.

C) There is no way for me to delete the post.

D) When I try to flag the post (per the instruction when I try to delete the post) there are only four options given and none of them give me the option to explain why I’m flagging it like the instructions say to do.

E) Because the post was done by an alt, I don’t apparently receive notifications unless I swap over to that alt via the “change character” option.

F) also the new UI looks like was made for illiterate illegitimate gnomes. So much screen space wasted. Please reskin.

G) Abandoning posts does not constantly work nor does abandoning replies.

Oh and with the new likes and trust setup, blizzard has effectively gamed their forums.

Now if only the blizzard staff actually paid attention to said forums it would mean something. Instead it’s a popularity contest based upon how much time you spend here, but blizzard can continue to ignore long standing threads like the huge Guild UI/Permission debacle The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes - #2436 by Fumel-arathor

I have no clue what you mean here?

They want people participating in the forums so they have the new “trust” system. This makes use of forums dependent upon behavior in the forum and seeks to reward any participation by relying on people responding to topics, liking and flagging. This then grants people the ability to contribute to their new wiki – this is all free labor thus removing the need to have paid staff to do such work (either forum moderation or wiki/knowledge base content creation.)

And whenever a system for managing a community is created, someone will try to work it to their advantage and there are plenty of ways available now.