Issues with gear after the item level revamp of Dragonflight pre patch

I waited 18 yrs and can only wish it would.

So uhhh
 Blackwing Lair, you guys probably know about that old raid.

Currently gives trinkets that provide over 200 stats for some classes and might be better than the stuff you’ve got on your 60.

Just saying.

On my (previous level 80) lvl 30 character
 I have to redo ICC 25 HC for new armor/weapons. Stuff that I already have stays ilvl 35, whilst ICC 25 HC now drops ilvl 115. Hope that my Shadowmourne gets scaled up, I don’t want to write a ticket for them to scale it up.

I would honestly just wait a few weeks/months to even bother getting Shadowmourne atm.

Also, I wouldn’t take the time to farm BLW trinkets, it’ll get hotfixed as soon as they notice enough people doing it.

Me too. I think they were trying to eliminate twink gear from the game. And making drop ilvl all over the place for levelers will mean they get less usable gear. Just like the great vault! Just like group loot in LFR!

Too many people were saying they were having more fun running low level twinks through dungeons than in Shadowlands. They fixed that.

Just noticed the scaling catastrophe logging into my Fury warrior. Checked the timewalking discord and came here. Making a ticket now. Really disheartening to see the items I spent countless hours farming get yeeted by one patch.

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 I got Shadowmourne since Mop. :sweat_smile:
Enjoyed my 80 character since then.

About BWL
 Probably, yeah.

The tanks who get obliterated are mostly not using mitigation

If this is left broken and unattended, it will be a huge lost for Blizzard


Yes, they really need to fix this. I had a bunch of characters at level 50 who had full raid gear from BFA that I hadn’t played in a while and then all the gear was only ilvl 50, while quests I was completing were giving 150+, could barely do the quests, was not fun for a few hours.

Dungeon scaling is atrocious, like people mentioned you have people from level 10-20 just two shoting everything while level 50s are doing nothing. Shouldn’t be hard to make it so everyone is doing competitive damage. One group I had was all level 40+ and it took forever to complete a classic random dungeon because people weren’t doing enough damage and the mobs had a lot of health and were doing tons of damage, thought I was healing a mythic+ dungeon.

Scaling is off from 60-70 too, people are doing crazy damage from 60-64 then it drops off quick. I had a 62 warrior doing 70%+ of the damage in our group, when everyone else was 68+, just doesn’t make it fun when the scaling is that bad. If your doing 50% of the damage should be because you’re a good player and maybe the other people are bad, not because the backend systems are awful. Please fix this soon Blizzard.


Not even close. Just go back to Goldshire.

Man, I hope you’re not right.

Hey look, a 3 post character (all of which are on this topic) who bumped an otherwise dead topic

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Bumping for visibility. Majority of these problems are still unfixed and Blizzard has given no word.


My lack of posting doesn’t make this entire thread about a lack of mitigation no matter how much you want it to. Also, the topic isn’t dead since others are bumping as well and the issue is still unresolved.

I’m bumping this as well because it’s still a problem. I’m working on alts today, all of which were 40-50 before the prepatch, and they’re now woefully undergeared and being obliterated by quest content at their level. Freehold on my moonkin, even after grabbing some heirlooms that scaled up, was basically impossible. It’s really disheartening because I love my alts and want to level them, but it’s such a frustrating slog unless they were created after prepatch now. :C


Great post Pat, we need to holler until they do something, or not and we can finally all see the light and leave. They broke this two years ago, and never acknowledged it AFAIK
and then doubled down and broke the rest.

It is time Blizzard came to the m1c and explained themselves and wither fix it or not, so we can all decided what we are going to do with our money and time.

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This reminds me of what it looks like when the only person that had the plan and knew how to do this gets let go. Oops.

Just dropping in to say that Touch of the Void is still bugged as of the most recent patch. My darling tentacles only hit for 1 damage at a time, and it’s a crying shame.

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Ty op I hope there is a answer.
I too experience this on alt 50 rogue who during bfa was all in 445 ilvl gear which was squished to item level 100, however his gloves were ilvl 35 and weapons even lower, didn’t notice and went into shadowlands and got owned by a butterfly in bastion.


I really wish this would get fixed please