Issues with Chargath

I used every healing CD I had except for Spirit Link on the first chains, then on the second chains I used Spirit Link (luckily people used it) and was able to Spiritwalker’s Guidance to avoid pools and bomb big heals on people–this was in a +5 and we barely scraped by without deaths. I MIGHT be able to possibly heal a 6 with huge DPS that are using their personal defensives and lock rocks, or who knows–if Augmentation is still good maybe a little higher with the right comp, but this fight took my entire tool kit in a non-meta comp of decent players.

I know it’s week 1 and I’m only 487 ilvl, but chains damage seems like it could probably be toned down a little. I’m sure there’s people in the world timing this considerably beyond the keys I’m doing, but I’d like to think I’m a decent representation of the average or maybe even above player, so just my thoughts on it. Anyway I’ve seen some loose comments on it in threads not specifically about Chargath, figured I would make a post specifically about it after finally beating it on my 3rd group trying.

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Chargath has bugged out every run I’ve done this week. Either he’s failed to spawn any chains or he didn’t respond to chains being broken. Both result in 300k per second ticks on 5 players that I can’t out-heal.

He needs some genuine technical attention or else this key is going to become a serious black eye on this season.

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It’s a wild fight. Lol Might try to push some 6’s or 7’s tonight but that 5 Nelth is staying right where it’s at. :joy:


Chargath is still 100% RNG boss depending on how many you are parrying/dodging/blocking his Fiery Focus. If you get unlucky, you just die. He needs another 25% nerf on Fiery Focus and fix the things that make fight janky as hell


You’re panicking and over committing cooldowns. Shaman is all about spacing your healing cds to keep throughput. You should be able to get past the first chain with just ancestral guidance and then have ascendance for the 2nd and spirit link if theres a third and would have AG back up by then. You’ll also have primordial wave and NS available for every chain as theyre about 1 min apart.

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The damage is pretty reasonable if you break one chain at a time. You can break one before the channel even starts, leaving only about 8 seconds of guaranteed “channel is dealing group damage and heavy tank damage” time. It’s way different than how people typically did the fight in season 2 (where you’d usually break 2 then break 1, or break all 3 and power through) but so much easier to heal through as long as the tank is actually mitigating.

Also fun fact, the chain will remain attached to a player’s corpse if they die, so the tank can still end the channel by finding and dragging to it if that happens.


Did a +10 with the 2-1 break, since Fiery Focus does more damage than the chain breaks, and you have to end it as fast as possible.

The damage is unreal. Sort of like the +10 HoI that I did, where we killed Khajin (3rd pull?) with 287k HPS.


the tradeoff for the group damage during chains being so high is that the fight has minimal outgoing damage (except for the bleed) so people need to rotate defensives during chains phase

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You would be shocked how many key levels this is worth.

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Yeah chargath needs more nerfs the first one was not enough at all lol.

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I did a +6 with MW CF build in pug. Use Peer Into Peace talent, before the chain, mana tea a while, then SM, spam EM and vivify. Will pass the phase peacefully. I have tried FW build, too hard, and failed.


The guy above could be right about me panic healing. I failed on that boss with 2 groups before getting it on the 3rd, was probably a combination of me not being ready for that much group damage paired with some degree of mechanic failure and people not using defensives.

You get a mixed bag of nuts pug-lifing. Lol

its a tough one because you want to space out your cds but you also have to consider things like defensives, pots, offhealing (ag/nv/ve) which in pugs can feel unpredictable at times. just because theyre available doesnt mean they’ll be used

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