Issues with Cast Sequence/Reset Macro for Premonition

[EDIT] Moved additional notes re: troubleshooting below a break to avoid the insane wall of text.

TL;DR anyone else having issues with cast sequence macros and Premonition? Am I misunderstanding how the reset condition works?

Objective (macro below): Pop cooldowns after using one charge of Premonition when those abilities (e.g. Lightwell, Guardian Spirit) are available. Otherwise, continuously use one charge of Premonition after buff duration expires.

#showtooltip Premonition
/castsequence reset=7 Premonition, Lightwell, Guardian Spirit

I’m trying out a macro with a cast sequence mentioned in another thread that seemed to be successful for others. However, I’m having difficulty getting the macro to advance to the next spell in the sequence, and the problem seems to lie with using Premonition as the first cast. Essentially, the first time I use the macro after I log in/edit the macro, it will proceed through the sequence just fine. When the latter two abilities are on cooldown, it will successfully reset and cycle through the various versions of Premonition. However, if the first sequence began with Premonition of Insight, it will not proceed through the sequence again when the other abilities (Lightwell, Guardian Spirit) come off cooldown unless the variant of Premonition cast in the first part of the sequence matches the first successful sequence (in this case, Premonition of Insight;) instead it will cast both charges of Premonition.


A few troubleshooting attempts are detailed below for reference:

  • After a fresh login, I can use the macro to cast one charge Premonition, and then the sequence successfully advance to Lightwell by showing the targeting icon, but even if I don’t click to put the Lightwell down, the sequence will not successfully advance to Lightwell until Premonition cycles back to it’s original form, even with Lightwell off cooldown.
  • I successfully recreated this issue by deleting & recreating the macro, and beginning the first successful sequence with other variants of Premonition (e.g. Piety, Solace).
  • I suspected maybe an add-on was causing the issue, so I replaced the first cast in the sequence with another ability (in this case, Flash Heal) to attempt to recreate the issue & identify whether the issue was the cast sequence command itself. When Flash Heal was used as the first cast, the macro works without issue. The issue persists when I switch the placement of Lightwell and Guardian Spirit, as well.
  • I tested whether the macro would work if I successfully advanced through the first sequence and waited 3 mins until Lightwell & Guardian Spirit both came off cooldown again, but experienced the same issue.

This should not be the case. I don’t know why your macro isn’t working and I don’t quite understand the issue but if a spell in the castsequence is on cooldown the castsequence should pause there until the cooldown is up. In your case, if you didn’t press the macro for seven seconds it will reset back to premonition. Otherwise, if you spam the button, I believe it should sit there until that next-up-on-cooldown spell can be cast.

Although one additional note, because Guardian Spirit is off the Global Cooldown, I think it’s possible that it could be cast straight through even if you haven’t placed the lightwell. Same for the next premonition of that isn’t on the GCD (I don’t play Oracle).