Issues transferring off Lava Lash to Wild Growth

In my most recent Wow stint, I’ve enjoyed playing in Season of Discovery. I play on the server Lava Lash, which is now a barren wasteland with nobody around. It was decided on May 3rd that Lava Lash would be closed to new players and players were encouraged to move off with the message that there were “open transfers to the Wild Growth PvE and Crusader Strike RP-PvP realms.”

My entire guild moved off to Wild Growth, but I’ve since been stuck as it just tells me the server is not accepting transfers at this time. I have talked to support but have gotten nothing but copy/pasted responses saying there is nothing they can do. I am unsure they even read what I was saying in my ticket they were so vague.

Since I’ve been in contact with support, I’ve heard of other players still being able to transfer their characters over to Wild Growth as early as yesterday. I truthfully don’t understand if I am doing something wrong, or if Wild Growth as a medium pop server really is just unobtainable to me.

Edit: This was posted under a toon I have on Crusader Strike… not the character on Lava Lash but either way.

Has anyone else had similar/varying experiences?


This seems outrageous. They encouraged you to move, gave you a free transfer token to only one PVE server, but they don’t have room for you on the others side?!?! WTF


Thanks for splitting our guild up Bliz. After spending this whole year on SoD, we certainly didn’t want to actually keep playing as a guild, right? /s


Catcatbear is our guild leader and integral to the success of our guild! But no one who plays this game should have to deal with this and the lousy customer service!!! Hey Blizz you are going to lose a big group of former dedicated players!!!


Come On blizzard!! Add Catcowbear NOW!!


It was sad to leave LavaLash and the community we had there, and now you won’t let all of us go together? Bad bad stuff Bliz


Blizzard you must fix this, it still as of today says it can transfer peeps to Wild Growth!!


your peeps playing WOW classic SOD matter…we matter!!


I think this might be better off in the SoD forums.


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We have played this game for decades as a group and you are tearing us apart!! you monsters!!


Blizzard…this is not the way!


Free Catcowbear! Free Catcowbear! Free Catcowbear! Free Catcowbear! Free Catcowbear! Free Catcowbear! Free Catcowbear! Free Catcowbear! Free Catcowbear! Free Catcowbear!

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After having this account for 20 years I am considering canceling. We were offered (forced) to move off of Lava lash and now told some of us are being left on an empty server and not allowed to move! I cant believe Blizzard couldn’t resolve this issue if they cared for their customers at all.


Posted on May 3rd by WOW developer GarnetHound, “These changes have already gone into effect and the transfers are open and will remain open for the lifetime of the realm. You can find the free transfer option in the in-game store while at the character select screen.” We have a large family guild that is now broken up leaving some players unable to transfer OUT of Lava Lash.

So what is it Blizzard, why are you not allowing players to transfer out of Lava Lash. Looking at “change realm” screen, shows Wild Growth as “Medium” populations. That is not full, it is not locked, so why can’t the transfer be completed


Blizzard was not truthful when they said we could all move, I feel double crossed… lied to… we do not deserve this after paying for our accounts for 2 decades


Blizzard you closed down Lava Lash, you offer 2 realms for a free transfer. Out guild (most of it) transferred w/o a problem to Wild Growth. Problem is that part of our guild is not being allowed to complete transfer.

What is so frustrating, is that a number of tickets have been submitted, with nothing but a boiler plate reply offering links to read. Not once has anyone taken the time to actually answer and / or explain why these transfers aren’t happening.


did that horde/alliance ratio blocking thing apply to pve servers also?

If you’re gonna screw us like this, at least buy us dinner, first.

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Been asking for a response on the server transfer situation for over a month now. Good luck. They’re ignoring us.

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Hey… Don’t know if it’ll work for you, or if you’re still having the issue, but I was able to get transferred over by going to shop > free character transfer from the character select menu instead of hitting the free character transfer in the top right.