Does anyone have a FIX for this?
I noticed a bug that is causing me to lose my Spark of War items and auto dropping the quest “Spark of War: The Ringing Deeps” on all four of my level 80’s. It’s been doing it every time I either Log Out, or enter/exit a PvP battleground, or instance. SUPER ANNOYING RIGHT?
It has never been an issue until yesterday, when I found myself having lost nearly 100 Spark of War’s on one toon. Since then I have lost another 100. Each time that happened, the quest would drop from the quest log and be available by the NPC who issues the quest, “Ruffians” in Dornogal.
I made a ticket about this, and they basically told me to go on a forum. The link they sent me is useless and doesn’t actually resolve anything for this specific issue, and there is no way to categorize this as prompted by the Blizzard ticket system. I had to label my Customer Support ticket as “Issues with crashing” to file the ticket and be able to send them a custom message describing my issue.
I am trying to enjoy the time that I have gaming, to complete this specific quest on four of my level 80’s to complete the quest and collect 1K blood tokens, conquest, etc. To make matters worse, once you complete all the world events and collect all treasure chests in Ringing Deeps, and the bug happens, you basically can’t re-do it. The world quests don’t respawn after completion, neither do the treasure chests. Completing the weekly quest is impossible at this rate.
Is there anything I can do to try to make this issue go away? I have never had issues completing this quest since Season 1 until this last reset on Tuesday. I saw a few other posts that mention this exact problem, and I’m pretty sure a lot more people have it too that are not posting about it on support websites.
Thank you to anyone who reads this, and hopefully this gets fixed. <3
Here is Blizzards Response incase you are interested:
"Based on the information you have provided, this issue should be resolved by following some specific troubleshooting steps. We recommend starting with the troubleshooting guide available on our support site:
This guide covers common issues and solutions that should resolve the problem you are experiencing.
If the previous troubleshooting steps do not resolve the problem, you can ask the Blizzard player community for help on the tech support forums (if available) or other community gaming sites. Local computer or network technicians may also be able to help if you’ve exhausted all other resources."