Isolated Victory bugged

Not able to complete Vol’dun’s invasion quest on horde side. When I get to the last part and take the bird to fly to the alliance ship, the ship is not appearing. I can see mobs and cannons that are on the ship, but since the ship is not appearing, I am being dropped to my death. Been dropped 3 times. I’ve tried reloading and restarting the game.

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Same here 10

Edit: logging out multiple times fixed the issue for me

It just bugged on me also but it was a bit different. I was actually on the ship, lagged a bit and died, rez’d on the ground with no way back to the ship. No quest marker, no bird, etc. Abandoned that part and it abandoned the entire chain. Now there are no more quests to redo to get the necessary 4 in order to try it again and it keeps tossing up the primary isolated victory quest in my face as long as I’m in the zone for the next 3 hours