Isnt the “crystal” in Hallowfall the tip of Sargeras’s sword?

The first thing I thought when entering the zone was that looks like it was forced through the rock. It looks like it would be the tip of Sargeras’s sword based on how far down it got. Not sure how to explain the light/dark but yeah. Looking at it makes sense.


It’s not confirmed as far as I’m aware but it’s definitely implied in a sit awhile and listen between Anduin and Alleria

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I thought the crystal was much older and had existed long before the sword was stabbed into the planet. However, I’m still in the first zone and haven’t had a chance to explore the underground zones. But also, I don’t see the sword anywhere near the top zone and it doesn’t look like the underground zones go all the way to Silithus based on the maps…


The crystal is waaaaaaaaay out above the “ocean” and vaguely in the direction of Silithus

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I thought that was established too. Vaguely remember hearing that months ago.

Could be an old crystal the sword may of pushed or disturbed but I don’t think that crystal is the sword. Sargeras didn’t use light or void magic and his sword isn’t made of crystal

No. It was there before the sword. They talk about it explicitly in the game.


What crystal?

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It probably isn’t based on the other information coming out surrounding it.
But here’s the real question:

Should have it been?

Because it’d have been such a waste to ignore that potential.