Isle Of Thunder: Can We Have Faster Rare Spawns?

Right now you can expect to wait nearly an hour for a Rare to span in its location, and given the fact that players are easily 1-shotting them its extremely annoying to try and kill one. Especially when you are a warlock and the Sealed tomes on your AH are well over 60k gold all being sold by one person who is on the Isle 24/7 it seems…

It would be wonderful if the rares could have a more modern Legion/BfA spawn timer of about 5 minutes. Seeing as its nearly impossible to camp them when you are a warlock waiting for 53 mins on Goda and a fury warrior comes in spamming Whirlwind, kills the rare before you have a chance to tag then repeatedly /laughs at you for a good 2 mins and leaves… then comes back again 47 mins later and kills it yet again…

So Blizzard, can we PLEASE have faster Rare Respawn timers on Isle Of Thunder?

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I generally agree, but it seems unlikely that Blizzard will change things. Lots of old vanilla through LK rares are still on absolutely enormous timers.

In addition, I would like rare world spawns to stay alive for at least 15 seconds. Maybe you could leave them at 2 health (still tag-able) and have them do a 15-second dying RP sequence.

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The difference between old LK and Vanilla Rares and Isle of Thunder rares are the rares don’t drop mounts or transmog. They only drop Ritual Stones and small chance at Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion for Warlocks. Their spawn timer right now is 20 mins (if zone is very full which it usually isn’t) to 1 hour.

I mean the largest issue is just trying to tag the dang thing. Either that or a faster respawn timer would help greatly.

Yes please. Can we have this? Having ridden around the entire island with not one single rare up is pretty damn disheartening.