Island expeditions

Has anyone else noticed since patch 8.1 dropped rates of dabloons has reduced to a point its ridiculous, feels like something isnt right, i really enjoy IE’s but this has become frustrating.
Not to mention the stupid pets and companions that do drop and are good for nothing, nurf companions and boost the drop rate of mounts.
Give us something positive for a change.


I’m actually getting more doubloons after 8.1 than I ever did before.

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Stop asking for things for everyone. Not everyone has your priorities. Also, no haven’t seen a dubs nerf. I get dubs every 2-3 islands. So…yeah must have angered RNGesus somehow. Go say 50 "Hail Ions’ and you should be good to go.

Yes, I am getting a lot less dubloons.

What difficulty were you doing them before and are you doing them the same way, i.e. with a set group or via the queue system ?

I’ve only ever done heroic, and from the queue, yeah.

There’s a sticky about island feedback up at the top of the page I believe, and one thing they ask about is rewards. Could also submit stuff there.

Me? I just want my drake… but first it has to be a week when the island is up, then have to spam and actually get it, THEN I have to be lucky enough (with a 1% drop rate or whatever) to be the one out of 3 people to get it. It’s super.

Sorry, I know that was a little off topic.

Reminder there is an official Island Expedition’s feedback thread in progress:

Hrroic difficulty and que system

Is it just me or ever since the new patch, normal and heroic, is much harder than usual? I just dont get it, before the patch, i didnt have a problem but now my rogue with 376 is struggling with a pack of mobs on heroic.

I get its a group thing but the fact that people can randomly que without selecting any roles is the problem. Should have at least a healer or tank. Maybe its just me but islands seem harder than usual

They are. Before the patch you could easily solo a group of mobs. Now your health just drops.

No - if they required that then the queue times would go up - they just shouldn’t be putting out so much damage that 3 dps can’t do them without dying.

Yeah, its just stuff is overtuned for some reason. I am not enjoying them right now since i have gear and im still dying to mobs on Heroic…

I should not be dying or getting hit that hard.

Well not sure what has happened over night but im back to getting regular dubloons again , thank you blizz.

…its called RNG ffs…dude you looking for causality and correlation in randomness. Some people just don’t understand simple things i guess.

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No what i don’t understand what kind of wankstain calls there character Siegfried


Ever hear of the “Nibelungenlied”? Nah probably not…

First IE was great, you knew what you were hunting for. Ran 10 toons for weekly quest and leveled alt’s. Received 3 mounts, 40+ pets and a lot of doubloons. Was trying for parrot mount. Now the new IE, nothing hardly drops, Running the same as before, maybe 5-6 pets. No new /old mounts, some gear, and now w/the vender, doubloons are a lot less than before. I run it now because I’m bored doing the game content over and over again. It is simple not the same as before. And if you get kicked, you are told you had left and penalized for 30 min to play. That is absurd when we are paying for time in game. Seems a lot of thing in game now are being stretched out, time is money to you. Quite dissatisfied in the path the company is taking, may just need a break and unsub awhile.

I’ve just been farming normal islands with two of my friends and honestly in the hundred or so we did in the last week I can count on one hand how many islands I didn’t get a coin pouch. I typically get anywhere from 3-28 doubloons at the end of an island; granted higher amounts are rarer but they have happened. I also don’t have trouble splitting off and soloing on normal difficulty so for times sake for us it’s quicker to spam this way.

Still haven’t seen a mount tho… I got the jellyfish over 500 islands ago and it’s arguably useless :stuck_out_tongue:

Straight after 8.1 it was noticeable but upgrades since 8.1 make up for it.

Doubloons seem a little better for me. I got 13 this week and around the same last week, I don’t think I have had less then 8 for completing 4 heroic ie since 8.1