Island Expeditions - awful experience

Just did 4 heroic island expeditions on my priest. Won all 4 for a weekly quest.

Guess how many dubloon I got.

The answer is 0, null, nul, nothing, …

This should just not happen. There are some seriously incompetent people making decision about how rewarding activities are. And this is in a nutshell why BfA is such a bad experience.

This is just an awful experience for a computer game and it should just not happen.


lol… fun

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You will take your unnecessary RNG, and you will LIKE IT.


I feel that at the very least you should always be rewarded with the small satchel of doubloons after every successful expedition. It does indeed just feel awful to see that reward screen pop up at the end and only see that tiny azerite icon pop up.


RNG is OK, but it should be RNG between a few and many. Not RNG with a high chance of zero for currency like dubs. Pure incompetence.


And that is why I rarely do Island Expeditions. Bliz can go jump off a short pier for all I care. They really have made some horrible decisions regarding rewards for activities performed.


The reward system for island expeditions is still garbage, even after the massive improvements they made to it.


Not very happy with Island Expedition RNG either. I grind away and usually have nothing to show for it. As a collector, it’s frustrating.

Yes, I run them on mythic.


You know you could just give feedback like “The islands feel very unrewarding and dubloons are too infrequent” rather than insulting people. That just makes you sound petulant.


And calling me petulant is not insulting?

Have you just called yourself petulant?

Also, this is a clear incompetence so nothing petulant about calling it as I see it.


I am in the same boat, here’s a weird thing…

Before 8.1 and before I got the ship upgrade, I got a single bag of 13 dubloons…

I’ve been trying to farm them for A LONG time and guess what? After I got the ship upgrade AND 8.1 drops, not a single dubloon as graced me.

And that’s not the part that ticks me right the heck off…The one thing that really throws a goblin into the works is the implied nature of the dubloons being able to drop and getting a number of them based on the difficulty you did.

Various interviews by Ion Hazzikostas, many of the BlizzCon stuff they talked about, a lot of the Blue posts, Dev interviews, all implied that the dubloons were NOT RNG, I don’t remember them mentioning it, or even discussing it.

THAT is what is ticking me off, how do they expect players to be able to farm the TMOG and pets and stuff when we get an RNG so low it makes my self-esteem seem like I’m arrogant.

I kinda liked the islands, I did a few with some friends, did a couple of them, they seemed fun at first, thought it’d be a way to farm out some TMOGs (I want those dang tricorne hats) and then maybe do one or two to get the pets or mounts.

No, instead they tried to pull a sneaky one on us and I’m absolutely LIVID by this to the point where I’m waiting for the next Q&A with Ion to ask this question about Dubloons, because he OWES it to us to tell us what the heck is going on with this.

I get more of those 7th Legion tokens for useless things I don’t need than I do dubloons for actual FUN stuff…

I enjoy the game, heck I’m actually enjoying BFA, but when Blizzard does this, all I can do is just sigh and look at them like a disappointed father finds out his only son likes fedoras but has to accept him anyways because he’s his son.

Blizzard, please, I like you… just stop doing the RNG too much.


Ugh, I hate IE’s so much. Ughhhhhhhhhh


Feels bad when you just get azerite : / like you wasted your time.


I have stopped doing them. The time investment to get doubloons to buy anything is well… absurdist at best. Lets do some math! In order to get lets say 100 doubloons for the little crimson octopod pet and you get one doubloon every 4th expedition at 15 minutes each. That’s 100 hours. For a little pet.

Then think about the 1000 required for the albatross mount.

This is why I have stopped doing them. I don’t mind long grinds but this is beyond absurd.



Dont feed the troll. Fan boys Rrrreeeeeee at any critism of bliz, even when its justified.


I get up to 8 per island on normal, takes me 5-10 minutes if I don’t be stupid, and that is without the help of the other 2.

But what I find is that I have ran a full bar every week and than some, while the 30% reduction was in place I was doing whatever and than going back end of week to finish one HoA level per week also.

I have obtained like 4 pets total and a couple of green armour only, that from 4 days after I hit 120 until now, so, 5-6 months worth of farming and nothing really to write home about.

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I don’t think I’ll have the full set of Expedition rewards by the time this expansion is over. I don’t think I’ll even have more than one mount, if I’m lucky. Maybe they could try… a vendor? :thinking:
(Yes, I know they have one, that was filled with new rewards, not actual island loot)


The only real fun I’ve had with island expeditions are when you queue up with guildies/friends to knock a bunch out.

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The biggest problem IMO with island expeditions is the repetitive nature of the objectives. Literally every island right now is just “collect more azerite than the other team”, over and over and over again.

There really needs to be more objectives and things to do/explore.

They tried to make them MoP scenarios 2.0 without realizing that MoP scenarios had way more diversity in the main objectives than expeditions.

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On the recent Island Expedition feedback thread (initiated by Blizz), one of the common complaints was the lack of rewards and wanting more consistent dubloons. Whether they take that feedback and make changes is up in the air.