Island Expedition exploit

I wouldn’t have come to report this had this not become a very serious issue of abuse and exploiting.

I’ve ran in to multiple PUG Island Expeditions wherein 2 players, grouped, from the same server are vote kicking the 3rd person for fun and to grief them. Obviously if they’re both in on it they can just keep doing this over and over to grief people with no repercussions, and for no reason involving the 3rd player at all except to lock people out of the scenarios for half an hour at a time.

I don’t particularly enjoy losing a half hour of game time, when my free time is already very limited, only to have 2 people vote kicking players out for laughs. It’s simply too easy for 2 people to vote kick a 3rd person out to harass them.

This last time happening to me, it was 2 players from Tichondrius of course, and I had come in to the pug as it appears they had just vote kicked another person out. Who knows how many players they have done this to. Again, this has happened multiple times, with other instances.

This exploit is being used to intentionally and maliciously remove normal players from Island Expeditions. It’s an abuse of the vote kick mechanic, and the mechanic needs to be reworked or removed to prevent people from suffering this kind of toxic harassment. Feel free to investigate my character’s last Island Expedition log and see for yourself, how these two players have been repeating this behavior over and over, with no repercussion.


Hey Wicked,

Although it’s not very nice, being voted out of any group is not an exploit or a bug. Bliz affords a measure of control over who is their groups, and as such has established the over arching, single rule that anyone can be kicked from any group at any time, for any reason, even for no reason at all.

It’s a jerk move, yes, but it’s completely within the one rule and working as intended.


conspiring to abuse in game mechanics to the detriment of other players is working as intended

Did you intentionally try to sound like a sado masochist or are you acting as an apologist because you do this same type of terrible thing to other people too?

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Dude. Chill.

It ain’t apologist to reiterate how a game mechanic works and why it’s in place with next-to-no repercussions.

Perhaps, and this is just me thinking, if you’re running into this often with multiple group types, maaaybe those groups aren’t the problem? Otherwise, feel free to lodge a Report against them with any relevant chat logs you can find.

Edit: What I’m saying is this is not something that belongs in Bug Report. The mechanic is working as intended, whether or not you’re liking the results.
Lotta history behind in, but in short? “Anti-Tank AFK”. It was in response to Healers and Tanks who would essentially lock LFD groups by sitting and AFKing at the entrance, forcing DPS to requeue. Among other related issues it was common enough to warrant a group-majority Vote Kicking system.
The More You Know!

No. I provided Bliz’s policy on the VTK system for you. There was no opinion, or emotional investment, or pleasure, or implication of how I play the game.

Because of that rule, what you experienced is not an exploit or a bug. It is functioning as intended. And that is: anyone can be removed from a group at anytime for any reason as long as the majority vote to remove goes through.

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victim blaming

Little too easy there, champ.

Also all the MvP did was “explain” the one rule, but it has no justification or actual explanation how / why this was established to be such. Clearly this is an issue. Your support for this one rule only tells me that you too are a troll and enjoy locking people out of expeditions for your sick enjoyment.

…Victim blaming? What a wonderful little fake quote you’ve made.

Mate. You can be literally kicked from a group for no given reason. Maybe you strayed away from them and they wanted to run the Island Expedition as a group.

The point is it’s working exactly as it’s intended - as a Group Majority vote. It isn’t a bug, you’ve experienced what is essentially a teeny, tiny minority who do abuse the system. And that’s even assuming they abused it, because there’s no telling who was “in the right”.

We already have another thread in the same vein as this. I ain’t giving you more of a response if all you’re going to do is default to “well you’re just a troll too!” because you disagree with a system that currently does not suffer from bugs.

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Before either of you trolls reply, I think BOTH of you should be looked in to for possible abuse, griefing and harassment of normal players in this same situation. Your lack of concern over toxic harassment is startling and it’s clear you think it’s OK to apply 30 minute debuffs on people who are forced to PUG these scenarios with toxic players such as yourselves.

Before either of you trolls reply, I think BOTH of you should be looked in to for possible abuse, griefing and harassment of normal players in this same situation. Your lack of concern over toxic harassment is startling and it’s clear you think it’s OK to apply 30 minute debuffs on people who are forced to PUG these scenarios with toxic players such as yourselves.

Ah, forced PuGging. What a lovely little phrase!
It’s not like you can, say, run the Island Expedition with two of your friends and completely avoid any future circumstances like this.

G’night and thanks for all the fish.

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I did above. To give groups control over who is in the group.

If you believe it could be improved, make a consrtuctive suggestion on how it could be done differently in either the in-game suggestion tool, or the Dungeons, Raids and Scenarios forum or GD forum. As this is not a bug/exploit, discussion or debate on the system’s merits doesn’t belong in the Bug Report forum (essentially because feedback is not collected from the support forums, nor is it fowarded on to the development teams).

Enough. As was explained, it’s presenting the game owner’s policy. Nothing more. If you don’t like it, try to exact change via the proper channels, of which personally attacking others is not one.

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I enjoy group with another person so I can troll normal players and boot them out of groups for no reason

Sounds pretty malicious to me. Do you play this game just to grief people?

I spent 10 minutes reformatting my post just to repeat myself and make excuses for Blizzard

The loss of dignity doesn’t exactly seem like a fair exchange for your posting status.

You seem quite OK with it, though, and didn’t even ask for green text in the exchange.

Whether it has been explained or justified is irrelevant. The system, as it stands, is working as it was implemented. It was different in the past and people would abuse it, and people abuse it as it is now. The problem is the people - not the system - and Blizzard can only do so much to guide them, rather than control them.

It’s clear you don’t like how it is. That also doesn’t matter. Leviathan has pointed out the avenues to go about requesting any form of change ore re-evaluation of the system. That you’re choosing not to pursue those avenues tells me that you’re not as interested in changing the system as you are simply drawing attention to yourself.


Welcome to the VTK system where rules exist for a purpose regardless if you like them or not, regardless if you fabricate fantasy in a desparate attempt to keep afloat.

Policy has been objectively explained, Wicked, and you’re determined to only see things how you want to rather than how they are in reality. That’s your prerogative.

But, feel free to continue yelling at the wind. You’ll find it won’t help you in the slightest.


I was sympathizing with the OP right up until they went off the deep end and literally started turning fake paraphrasing into quotes. That’s … NOT how you garner support to your side of things, dude. If your only means of action is to lash out like a blind rabid chimpanzee, and assume everyone is automatically against you if they don’t echo EXACTLY what you say … you’re gonna get NOWHERE, friend–neither here OR in the outside world.

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Can a mod lock this thread please, it went from a complaint to downright trolling. It is obvious the person who started this just wanted to be upset and take his frustrations out on someone. This is not the place for this sort of post and deters from Blizzard actually being able read constructive posts that could actually fix true bugs in the game.


Same goes for everyone, Smexylady:

…because no matter how funny you find it, it is currently working as Blizzard intends.

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