Iska and Rhuv

So, I don’t know if anyone can confirm if this is true but apparently you need to tag Rhuv for Iska’s mawrat mount. They are separate mobs and have separate loot tables however the issue if this is true is everyone nuking Rhuv who dies very quickly as they are forming the group. I have fought Iska a ton but can never get a tag in on Rhuv. Can anyone confirm this?

Yes, Rhuv is the one who drops it.

Which is silly.

That legit makes no sense. I guess I’ll just have to afk in the zone on my own server so I can tag Rhuv.

Honestly, I’m more interested in why a Soul Eater drops a Mawrat mount.

Shouldn’t it drop a Soul Eater? Lol.

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LOL that is a fair point :stuck_out_tongue:

It was saving it for dinner.

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another question is, neither one of them is a rare they are elites so can you farm them?

I’m pretty sure the Mawrat is bigger than it is lol.

Rhuv completes a daily quest tracker, so I don’t think so.

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Use dungeon finder - premade - custom groups.

Keep smashing the refresh button.

Make sure you’re looking for groups titled the the mounted mob (Rhuv etc) or the actual mod (Iska etc).

Also, make sure you’re in the immediate area before you join the group. Fight can be over so quick people don’t have time to summon.

People are starting to list these fights quite a lot now.

90% Rhuv dead when u join groups

Amazed that this got into live game surely iska should be the mount dropper for many reasons

Blizz for the love of god move this mount to Iska’s loot table instead. So hard to get a tag On Rhuv. I’m begging.

moi le probleme c’est que les montures sont dropés apres que le pourcentage de drop a été éppuisé ex. la monture de Destrier déchu est tomber uniquement a la 8ieme tentative alors qu’elle etait suposé tombé a la 7 ieme pour un total de 15 % et iska etait suposé tombé a ma 3ieme tentative pour un total de 33% et pourtant elle n’est pas tombé apres ma tentative d’aujourd’hui qui etait sur la 3ieme tentative.

Dude wtf ^ :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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