Is WoW's problem poor management or bad game designers

If FF14 fixed a few things with pvp I would be there and never look back.

What meta has changed? BFA was RMX and Jungle has this changed this patch?

they gave up in wod and left it while they worked on legion and they did the same thing with bfa. for a game that charges an expansion box price and a sub fee im not sure how i feel about that. ooops we scuffed this expansion/patch oh well we will fix it next expansion/patch

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what losses


blizz isn’t losing money lmfao

we all keep paying for this game in spite of the 10 people inside this little village that cry about it

blizz is fine, there’s no “losses” to cut

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Last season of BFA it was all locks, fire mages, sin rogues and DH. This season it is fire mages, sub rogues, rets, druids, and warriors. Next season it will be hunters, sin rogues, locks, frost mages.

They made 7% profit in a pandemic when people had nothing else to do. The industry as a whole made record profits. Not Blizzard though. They can’t even make 50% of what candy crush does. Q2 profits absolutely needed the milking of classic players to keep Blizzard relevant.

Something your tiny brain can’t comprehend

They’re losing steam. Only doing well right now because of boosting and token sales. The subs are plummeting which is Ion’s job and he’s bad at it. Idk why they keep him in charge. Community used to fight against Holinka and now compared to the rest of WoW team, he’s like their only hope for good changes.

They won’t listen. Too busy patting themselves on the back and laughing their way to the bank that we still pay for this mess. If it wasn’t for nostalgia and sunk cost fallacies, players wouldn’t play this game. Only good part left was the art team and now they’re leaving too


Exactly right. Honestly the next few expansions should be free for those of us that bought WoD, BFA and SL

Honestly I think shadowlands launch was fantastic and a big part of it feeling so rough now is the content draught.

Shadowlands release has been in release for too long.

Have to wait months into the expansion to get flying and they don’t even let you use it in the maw, the new zone, or oribos. What’s even the point.

Whoever comes up with these ideas needs to be held accountable. I place my bets on Ion

Locks were this season as well, Druids were last season too, As were mages, Rouges too

so DH is the only one that really had a downfall from meta

I get what you are saying and it does “feel” they make one thing good only to make it bad so you can reroll but it’s a limited amount of classes it happens to

Hunter was strong last season as this season ( Jungle)

it was nice they added Turbo to the meta, added variety

I like the direction they want to take in making more specs viable

I don’t like the gear progression ( although ) obtainable , not very alt friendly

but back on point the same classes ( expect DH) were meta and still meta with added new flavor ( not a bad thing)

what part of shadowlands launch was fantastic ? the rogues and marks hunters 1 shotting you ? the 1 real viable pvp healer ? was it after the first week after they smoked them and it was fire mage hpal x with fire 100-0 you in 2 globals ? or was it with the wars stalling out any game they were in ? or the rets insta killing people

Shadowlands was the fastest selling PC game of all time.

No idea where you’re getting 7% from

The rest of the industry isn’t really selling monthly subscriptions, profit margins are going to appear higher when people are buying $25-$60 games vs starting a 3-month sub, no?

Candy Crush netted approx $470M revenue in 2020

Blizzard’s net income not revenue, alone, last year was $508M

Not really, it’s almost as if Blizzard makes other games

??? lmao???

That’s a pretty fried take, were you in their last exec board meeting?

You can google his job description and clearly see it has nothing to do with subs, which would probably fall under marketing but that’s just a guess

You sound like every facebook boomer talking about how great the reagan years were


Just because you don’t enjoy the state of the game doesn’t mean Blizzard is failing as a company, what an absolutely burnt take


that doesnt make it good. the copies were sold from the hype not the quality

Your analogy was terrible :joy::joy:

Better luck next time

The rogue/hunter thing was absurd; same with fullmoon convoke but those got fixed within like 1-2 weeks. Ret paladins still doing that now, but is less impactful with gear.

I’m not sure how pvp was before BFA because i didnt pvp then, but in BFA every serious game was rogue/mage or mage/lock being better than literally every class/comp.

In pve and pvp, there was infinitely more class diversity. In raid there’s no stacking 10 immunity classes or M+ being pidgeonheld to some combination of 3 rogues and hunters.
For PVP EVERY class/spec saw some play and viability and that was awesome. Also, the pacing is 1000x better than bfa. You can actually punish people for mistakes now.

Sound like a broken record complaining about balance. So many things wrong with this season and everyone has heard it a million times except blizzard since they refuse to change anything

You might not like the game, that’s fine. But idk, in order for something to be the fastest selling PC game of all time, and to break as many records as Shadowlands did, it has to be a little good, objectively.