For those who use WoWProgress, is the site working properly for you?
The guild progression seems to update just fine, but everyone’s azerite level info is completely missing, and some member’s ilvls are randomly rolled back almost about a year or so (ilvl 406, ilvl 399, etc. etc) no matter how many times I update individual characters.
This has been going on for more than a couple days.
Thank you for checking… I’m glad it’s not just me, but at the same time I’m sorry your Azerite level ended up disappearing because of that.
What’s weird is that the “bug” seems to be completely random - some member’s ilvl are updated just fine, while some other’s ilvl went waaaayyy down, even though if you click on the blizzard armory link on their site, it shows the character’s current ilvl just fine.
I don’t run anything on this hunter anymore…other than here on the forums, or if someone needs a 5th wheel for some low key stuff in game and already have a healer.
I agree with you on being confused though. I hope they correct it, or at least address it soon.