Is wow worth playing for a returning player?


I’ve gotten to 60 like a week half ago, yet to finish the final zone. I haven’t chosen a faction yet “Covenant” due to the story progression within the game.

personally I’ve joined a guild I realise I’ve got about a month worth of grinding to do, to get geared up and then ready for raiding.

So my question is, Is the game worth playing I’ve heard about Torghast “Chore ghast” personally not looking forward to it.

plus the fact legos are now a necessity, within the game.

So is this expansion worth playing Or should I give it a miss and just wait until the next one? perhaps they might get it right and listen to their player base?

Thanks for your time if you answer my questions or perhaps my own personal concerns.

Gearing up doesn’t take anywhere close to a month if have people helping you out with it. You said you joined a guild already, have them run you through things in order to help you gear out. If they won’t, find a different guild that will assist you.

As far as content goes, it’s really best to form your own conclusions. Like or don’t like Torghast because you thought it was cool or boring, not because you read that some other people do or don’t like it.

Legendaries are more or less mandatory, yes. Some are easy to get, others are harder to get. If your BiS leggo is more difficult to acquire, it doesn’t mean it’s the only viable one to play with, so it’s completely acceptable to pick another good one with an easier source until you’re able to finally get the one you really want.

All other things aside though, you’re the only one who can say if it’s worth playing for you. If you’re enjoying yourself, then keep playing. If you’re not, try again in 9.1. Realize though that never in the game’s history have you been able to jump in mid expansion and be raid ready within a couple days (speaking of your average player, if someone does nothing but play the game all day every day, or plays it professionally, that’s another wildly different subset of people, and different story altogether.) It’s all just part of the game.


If you want to save your time, money and mind energy do not invest yourself into shadowlands… It’s designed to waste your time


New raid is due to come out in next month, so perfect time to come back IMO.

The game is what it is. Don’t expect something revolutionary different.

IMO there’s a good balance between good and bad at the moment.

I agree with Zipster that you need to find yourself a guild willing to help you out. For the past several weeks, I’ve jumped around from guild to guild looking for somewhere active outside of raid nights; I even went so far as to server and faction change twice.

Guild issues aside, the overall content experience I’ve had has been middle of the road. Nothing too spectacular, but nothing game breaking.

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this expansion basically has a forced guild raiding requirement, not suitable for people that want to actually enjoy a game.

Watch Bellular’s latest vid, it should answer your question: ‘No King Rules Forever | Blizzard, You Can’t Ignore Your Competition Anymore’

Wait till 9.1.

Dont. He’s just a negative nancy that profits off of negativity cause it gives him hits a.k.a $$$ cause thata how social media works. Similar to why the news tends to focus on outrage, negative stories etc.
Instead, OP i would suggest to play the game and see how you like it. Forget these shameless yt-ers and twitch-ers daring to call themselves content creators by calling their stuff content which is nothing but crapping endlessly on other ppls actual content creation: artwork and design, all for the sake of $$$.


Bellular’s probably one of the biggest Bli$$ard fanbois that’s ever existed. Just because you don’t agree with/share his views, doesn’t make him negative.

I’m not a fan of Bellular, by any stretch of the imagination, but he presents a well thought out constructive argument backed with ways on how Bli$$ard can address the current issues SL has.

So, OP, give it a watch and read the General Community forums. Should help you.

No, i didnt say that. dont put words in my mouth plz.
i can share views with bellular (in fact i do on some things), or any other, but these folks are click-baity and negative. and to be fair, contradictive as hell.
the best is to try the game urself and see how u go instead of listening to these folks on yt or the forums and their subjective opinions.

I’m not putting words in your mouth:

What are people playing other than wow and having fun?

Cute but the part im referring to is when u said i dont like him coz i disagree with him. Thats putting words in my mouth.

Mate, you need to lay off whatever you’re on. I never said you didn’t like him, I said:

Ur now just arguing in bad faith, in circles, and ur going personal.
Next time maybe ask why i think he’s negative instead of just assuming something like i dont agree with some views. Might be more constructive.

. . . I’m not sure if trolling or sincere. I’m hoping for the former rather than the latter.

Ya I say don’t watch bellular of all people. Back in bfa he was talking about so much of content that he literally had no clue about. I don’t even think he actually plays wow anymore.

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if ya love wow ya play if ya dont ya wont

I stopped playing when TBC come out, was away for close to 9 months, I come back about 3 weeks ago and started a character from level 1 and I’m already 270, gearing is as easy as ever, just spam M+ and you’ll be caught up within 3 weeks.