Is WoW ugly?

Every MMO that isn’t WoW looks pretty horrible and outdated.

The prettiest game in recent years is Red Dead Redemption 2, take a look at those sunrises, good gawd is that beautiful.

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Sure, there are better looking games, but WoW doesn’t make my old 280x spaz out, so I’m good with the less than stellar graphics.

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WoW is a tolerable amount of cartoony. It’s not nearly as excessive as Wildstar.

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I would argue wow actually looks better than any of those “realistic” looking games.

They always look off, have awful animation, run terribly and age horribly.

Wow looks great, and it’s YUUUUUGE. A lot of the mounts are fugly tho.

I don’t think so. I love the way WoW looks. Sometimes I just walk places to take it all in, details on the ground, the sky, the world itself is just massive and gorgeous.

The answer to this question, which should only be a two letter answer but 10 characters so all of this, is no.