Is WoW too Bloated and/or complicated?

relative to what?
Itself? This patch is a little bit more complicated than the last one.

compared other mmos? Probably not.

None of which are so difficult you couldn’t figure it out but still, technicalities

Depends. For new players it’s pretty simple to learn as long as you know how games work.

Keys and PVE bot bad but depends on the difficulty. So easy to hard
lfr 5 year old easy

PVP hard

That’s a poor excuse.

WoW is complicated and the new player experience is pathetic.

Blizzard needs to start fixing this problem by yesterday. It’s why Blizzard is bleeding players even with the improvements in DF.

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It sure does depend.
For instance the anima system of sl. Most people could figure it out… But having to drop what you’re doing fill your bags up and go someplace to use it… Overly complicated.

Using it in your inventory or better yet automatically using… Simple.

We already have our bags filled to the brim… Then they added not only another bad currency but tiers (combining to another)

Complicated doesn’t have to mean you can’t figure it out… It can just be bad quality of life


I’ve been playing since I was 12 not hard to learn lol.

The game was far less complicated when you were 12.

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Really? You think so? When do you think I started playing?

The last 20 years’ worth of stuff is irrelevant, though.

You can say stuff from DF is too complicated, but bringing up 20 years of content that doesn’t matter at all is a red herring.

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Yes, I have been playing this game for about 8 years on different characters. It is insane that there are 200+ currencies, 1000 mounts, 1000 titles, 3000 pets, like 130 reputations, its just too much. I say either start removing currencies/rep or make them all account wide


Rep is supposed to be made accountwide eventually… They said currency might as the Trading Post/Tender technology supposedly makes it easier for them.

Bloated, but not over complicated

i think so but i just work around it.

for example currencies - i just focus on what content i plan to do or am currently doing currencies and thats it. rest i put on the back burner and dont even worry about it.

Spells/abilities - it does feel bloated to me but i try to just change my keybinds to better help, try to remove spells i currently do not use and put them on the side. i usually only got a small handful of abilities that feel out of place on my current keybinds doesn’t matter how much i practice the placement is just off

It does feel bloated to me. 20 years of content. Tons of different irrelevant currencies. Different systems they often abandon even between expansion content cycles.

Just imagine starting the game out as completely new. No knowledge on what to do or where to go. No gold. No gear or crafters. No heirlooms. Think of chromie time. Think of the storyline being a giant mess. Think of the flying fiasco.


WoW should feel vast, with lots of stuff to do and collect and it should feel like it is too much for one person. Part of this game’s original appeal for me was feeling like a small adventurer in a big world.

I want there to be things that I never obtain.

I want there to be systems I never touch.

IMO a lot of the complaints about wow having too many systems and such are from people who are collectors and try to literally get/do every single thing, and at that point it’s not really the game’s problem if you are literally trying to complete an mmo. Like Asmongold always going off about how bad the systems are, but on the other hand he is literally trying to collect every single cloak and whatnot.

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That’s because you’re experienced.

Explain the new system to a completely new player to WoW and see how that goes.

I agree, I don’t think its complicated but it becomes complicated when you have 100* currencies and cant differniate the difference then yeah its a problem. I’m not saying WOW needs to be boomer vanilla easy no, it still needs complexity but we need to tone down all the currencies

Sounds like a game with a lot of content and you got your money’s worth.

The mistake that jaded veteran players make is assuming that new people buy games and look at all the content as a burden, rather than what they paid for.

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Are you trying to say the game is too hard for yoy?

It’s horribly complicated - especially if you’re a new player.

Compared to other games, dozens of systems, strange levelling paths and a vast amount of buttons are needed. The fact the game would break and be nigh unplayable without add-ons at a high level says a lot.

Yes, but a lot of people go to support pages for help too. For example WOWNoob, people go there tor their nooby questions/experienced. Or have friends to help