Is WoW P2W? The answer:

I mean sure…but if they’re buying gold to fuel their gold purse so they do that that amounts to a system that is P2W.

I’m saying that they still have to back it up with performance. No amount of gear will save you from getting spiked on M painsmith. If you trial at 250 ilvl, and are still loosing in damage to core raiders who are 235-240, you’ll stand out. In a true mobile game P2W system, the perks from paying give you enough of an advantage that you can win without the skill to back it up. That’s not the case in WoW.

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Yeah…and let’s be honest. You wouldn’t even get a trial once they looked at those logs lol.

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You don’t get to dictate how I feel and you’re not an authority on p2w.

This is my opinion on this topic and if you don’t like it, just put me on ignore. I’m not changing my mind.

No I didn’t. People can have different opinions. Happens all the time :roll_eyes:


if 1 has higher logs then they’re not an equally skilled dps aren’t they? Think about your question again

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nvm I misread what you said.

Well simply put I probably would pick neither. Also anyone who bought a carry will not have higher dps logs. Carries are asked to jump off and die after tagging the boss. So again you’re question still doesn’t make sense.

There’s a simple way for this to not be a problem for those player: leave the pug scene. join a guild. most of the time you’re going to be much better off and having more fun when you’re less worried about randomly getting kicked because someone else didn’t do their job. You’re not going to be sitting there for 20 min in between each boss waiting for the group to re-fill when 2 healers and a tank leave for whatever reason.

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I know that you want to believe that, but people are checking you out when you pug. That’s because ilvl is largely meaningless even in something as relatively simple as heroic. Even if you were to sneak into a group, you’d be kicked for dying or being last in dps.

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no I misread the part about people buying carry so they have a higher dps than the guy who didnt get carried. The rest of your statement doesn’t matter.

And my statement stand. You have no clue what a bought carry is. All you have is “he say she say” statement. You’re clueless dude

Why is it people like you always seems to end the conversation with insults. Doesn’t work my dude. Word can’t harm me especially from clueless people

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You didn’t have an opposing opinion, you were completely off topic. The post wasn’t about whether WoW is P2W or not, it’s about the degree of P2W aspects which exist in WoW.

The people buying the carry won’t ever have higher dps than the guy who didn’t. The guy who didn’t buy the carry is participating in the fight. The guy that bought his is expected to attack the boss once and then run off and die as to not wipe the raid.

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Title: Is WoW P2W?

ROFL ok.

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oh I know that too well. That’s why I’m calling Kungmoo clueless.

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Talk about judging a book by it’s cover, only read the title and assume you know everything. Yikes! :brain:

I read the post. I don’t think it’s “well kind of; not really.” I think the answer is no.

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Awww don’t be sour grapes cause i proved a point. How am I making rules? Sounds like you know you are wrong yet reaching hard LMAO.

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Thanks for proving my point. Once these FFXIV fanbois get proved wrong they reach hard. These wow haters are just mad cause Blizzard was the ONLY mmo to actually combat gold farmers by making the token. It was genius and benefits ALL players of their games (Activision Blizzard).

FFXIV… Gold farmers. Yet funny how none of these ffxiv fanbois bring that up. And yep. FFXIV runs carries all the time.

edit: PLEASE ffxiv fanbois and others keep making up excuses. I would take the token over gold spam in chat, whispers, etc. any day of the week. Yet both results are the exact same. Gotta love the WoW haters though who reach hard on anything they can. Sounds like the FFXIV fans are getting desperate with the new 9.2 patch and WoW devs making some great changes for the better.

prefer more the F2P and THAT’S IT…

That would be true if tokens didn’t cost more than “alternative” gold sources.


Completely agree. I’d also like to add a reason why WoW is only slightly p2w is because non-p2w players are benefiting from carrying the p2w players, unlike Lost Ark where the money goes straight to the company and no other player benefits.