Is wow just an esport now?

And the game grew beyond that, which I loved and why I kept playing. Now though I do not play anymore, because it went back to that.


Whats wrong with pokemon?

I think itā€™s one of the reasons.

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All classes are mostly cookie cutter of each other. They have class flavor but for the most part. Each ranged class is mostly the same. If you played a Warlock you also play a mage, a Balanced druid. Etc.
Melee is the same as other melee.
The classes are all too similar and simple. Kind of like Moba classes. Everyone has four buttons and a cooldown sort of thing.

All dungeons have roughly the same time investments with the same amount of trash and bosses.

Raid tiers are mostly formulaic. 7/9/11 bosses per tier.


its pokiemon you dont think blizzard will try to turn their pet battle game in to an esport?

LOL HA HA HA what?

They told us that the reason so many abilities went on the GCD was so people couldnā€™t stack their cooldowns. Doing so would prevent viewers from seeing the animations for the separate spells.


I think it certainly is more esports focused than ever - but there are plenty of RPG elements - quests, professions, etcā€¦ while leveling. It didnā€™t forget to be a rpg - its just the heavy endgame focus had to be filled with something - repetitive speed runs pushing difficulty is what they focused on. In 8.2 lots of the content shown seems rpg focused.

Its far from ā€œjust an esportā€. Thatā€™s a heavy focus in BfA, Iā€™ll give you that - but plenty of other things going on.

That what be a cool feature to have on the go. Able to pet battle people while not playing the game.

Why do you think we went from Vanilla, TBC, Wrath type progression to this?

Why did they remove the original talent tree? Why did they start pruning?

Itā€™s all ease of access, esport type games are easily accessible.


what kind of viewers esport is another example of how esports have changed the game.

not my bag of teaā€¦lol.

That and trying to suck money out of the player base anyway they can in comparison to how they used to run, gettinā€™ pretty ridiculous.

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So that was a small part of the reason. If you go back and watch the interviews, the main reason Ion states is they want each player to feel like that spell they just pressed mattered. The example he used was a restroom Druid. Your fighting a hard boss, your tank is at 40% hp, you are in fire, your dps needs dispelled, what do you do?
Do you swiftmend the tank, dash out of fire, or dispel the dps? The change was supposed to highlight these moments, because that critical decision differentiates between a good player and a bad.

Dungeon and raid design in terms of layout, length, and duration have been virtually unchanged since TBCā€¦

Off topic, and know it was a type-oā€¦ but sorry - this made me laugh.


You cannot really put the current type of Professions as part of the game now. Professions are a gutted version of what they where. With how they have dumbed down the game. Especially when it comes down to gear enhancement. All in an attempt to make things simpler for Esport. You cannot deny that at all.

They removed the old talent tree because, by now, we would have OVER 100 TALENTS TO PUT IN. And the only way to keep that balanced would be to make every talent read ā€œincrease crit by 0.1%ā€ and that would feel virtually worthless.

Either that or go the bloated Diablo 3 route and everyone does 10billion dmg a white hit

Faerie Fire mattered a whole lot to me but they pruned that anyway, why?

Rogues complained how unfair it was to them. 1 button to permenantly negate their toolkit.