Is Warrior Good and easy?

Hello I’m a 1st time warrior player by 1st time , I just leveled in to 60. I wanted to play frost dk but people kept saying it’s a good spec but maybe mid tier B at best. And in pvp Dks are used as set up class for kills. Well how is warrior ? Are they easy to learn ? Good solid rotation self sustain heals wise . Is fury better than arms also for pve aswell ? Thank you all

Self sustain is the worst class in the entire game… But thats pretty much its only issue…

Its much better on PVE, but for the warrior sustain, fury needs to be on target… in PVP for example where you are stunned, cc’d etc. Sustain is hard.

You get some nice cooldowns but ive seen better sustain.

Now if you get heals tho … Warrior is probably among the best. Although i like Arms more, with the defensive stance nerf, im not taking em right now…


Idk, I personally think DK is a little worse in the self sustain department than fury. Arms isn’t even terrible anymore if you get a BM trinket and have the Rallying Cry PvP talent + Conduit, especially if you take Impending Victory which is really good in some scenarios and I think is a must have in solo content or world PvP.

Now for being easy? The rotation is simple enough, especially for fury, and even moreso if you have the tier set bonuses. You quite literally just spam Raging Blow and Rampage whenever you can, and then Bloodthirst when you can’t do anything else, and Whirlwind after that if nothing else is up but that’s rare. Arms is slightly more complicated, but not much.

The difficult part of playing a warrior is knowing how and when to use your utility/peels. Intervene, Disarm, Charge, Shattering, Banner if you’re arms, etc. Yeah, you do damage, but your job is also largely playing the role of a goalkeeper for your team, especially if you’re playing with another class that doesn’t have many peels or lacks defensive capability, such as a monk.

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Warriors are very easy, I find it easy for myself to stay alive in raids and just anything in general. I think right now Fury is better I feel like it depends on how you play your spec.

Warrior is good… easy?

Fury I’d say is relatively easy. It’s fun, fast, you get some self-sustain and the rotation isn’t all that complicated. It’s also extremely good in both PvP and PvE.

Arms is probably moderate to high difficulty. To my knowledge, it’s the only melee DPS spec in the game that lacks all self-sustain and immunity cooldowns so it’s pretty unforgiving of error. It also relies on smart management of short to medium length cooldowns. It’s viable in PvE but I’ve always found Arms to be a bit too reliant on allies in PvP, but if you have a pocket healer, go for it.

And Prot’s probably on the Hard end - it’s a little clunky as its one of the few tanks that has both damage and mitigation but not enough resources to power both outside of 1-2 minute cooldowns. Also basically a meme PvP spec.


Its one of the most OPs specs with a healer …

Yeah Berrison is being ridiculous.

“uhhhh, warriors are ok I guess in pvp” LOL OK DURR

DK would be worse if it wasn’t for the fact that our stun conpetes with our only reliable self heal, but DF will certainly be shaking things up by the looks of it.

So if nothing changes for DKs, they will be one of the worst off considering death strike has to be used defensively and is very easily disarmed and nullified.

Level 10 forum troll hurts my feelings.

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It’s probably the best choice for vP vs a DK seeing I’ve heard about how many complaints are on them. even in vE we are the bread winners, never mind the talk about how fury is over played in the vP we are the best melee class, lacking the A-bomb for rogues and all, but they hardly ever look at us first for some reason.

players look at DK and thing “Time to eat” then they look at a war and think “I’d better not” we are best against other handers, but my only underlying qq for the class would be about casters and ranged hunters. you really need your CDs cut shorter than they are.

As for vE our class rips boards in raids and dungeons, and our survivability in world questing is ridiculous.

“Hopefully in DF, PvP will be fixed like it was in BfA and Legion vs what it is now in SL”…