Is War Within Beta over? All servers are offline

June 25, 2024

Hi Blizzard and WoW Community!

I was about to jump in The War Within and resume my Beta game play, and noticed all severs are offline. Is the Beta of War Within over?

Any info on this would be appreciated. Thanks all! - JJ -

The servers come offline whenever they need to do updates, or for any other number of reasons on their end.

They will come back up when ready.


They do most maintenance on Tuesdays, so they will be back up later! Beta will run pretty much up to early access on 8/22.


Thank you. Much appreciated. :+1:


Was about to come ask the same question. I might be missing it, but do they do a communication for planned downtime?

Realms are up or down as necessary. They don’t usually communicate unless it’s in-game like “Server shutdown in 5 minutes” messages.

Todays update introduced some new lua errors on the map. The servers were also quite unstable. I think the downtime is to fix the server stability.

Might as well leave them down. They didn’t fix anything. No way is this thing going to be ready in two months.

Doomers should have their accounts muted.


It won’t be but it will go live anyway

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So should people that want to censor other peoples’ opinions.

Oh, that’s not fair, you say?



Always one of these posts every Tuesday without fail.


Yep. It’s all over but the crying. Blizzard has completely shuttered the whole thing.

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