Is using certain gear sets in Korrak's Revenge against TOS?

Hello all. So recently I made a build after spending a couple weeks farming items / buying enchants. I am using it in TW AV and it insanely good. I’ve stacked stam and soul drinkers. A lot of the times I can top damage and killing blows while have half of that in healing. I am very hard to kill outside of CCs. Is this considered exploitation?
Thank you

Congratulations,you built a twink.Nothing wrong or against the rules there.


Do legendaries work in Korrak’s?

No they don’t and the ones that do are terrible. Except for the dps MOP cloak.

I’ve used Thunderfury the few times I’ve done it. It has the same DPS as my MH weapon after scaling and the proc still works.

Unless you were like ret pallis in 4.1? (it has been a while) I don’t see any reason they’d be upset. If you were able to cheese the game so you took virtually no damage due to a glitch then yeah.

Old ones definately do… Thunderfury works great.

I’ve messed with Legion legendaries and in spite of everything in the tooltip indicating they should work I havent actually seemed to get the procs off of them.

Legiondaries do not work in PvP.

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Oh boy do they!

Thunderfury on my outlaw rogue give them a two piece and a biscuit (biscuit is pistol shot). Procs galor!

My paladin has Sulfurace and being ret its fun BY FIRE BE PURGED!

My mage has Dragonswrath and when you get it to proc oh boy is it fun as a fire mage muhahaha.

And Shadowmourne on my unholy DK that was a blast just slaughtering everyone in sight.

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So, a dark iron dwarf?

I don’t think its against TOS. Pretty sure you’re doing what every other twink does. It’s not like you’re exploiting a bug or something but idk.

Actually Blood Elf.

But you said sulfur race. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(It was a lame joke, sorry)

Thats how old pvp worked, stack stamina and just outlast everyone else.

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Ik but apparently someone already got banned for using the same build I did.
The last game I used it before I deleted it I did 3.2 mill dmg and 1.1 mill healing.

Then I checked the forums and the horde guys made a post about about me

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So… wearing armor is against ToS now? Sheesh I’ve missed a lot in 3 days. Being sarcastic by the way.

I think you’d be better off asking a GM than us. Anything any of us say would only be hearsay.

However, if you do get an official answer, I’d very much like to know, if you’d be so kind.

No. It is not.

Well, if you know scaling is broken with specific items and you keep using those items, then yeah, you’re exploiting.

DERP :confused: