Is Ulduar worth coming back to?

ULD is cool. The hard modes are a cool concept if you’re big into pve. I like this tier a lot more than naxx

arena is alright, but unlike tbc, 3v3 now feels like the only serious bracket to me. but it’s just ele hpal most games.

They put in cross realm arena recently so you could play your grobb char and still queue with the bene friends, long as they’re same faction

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Come back and pray for faction/race changes like the rest of us haha

My casual experience with it is about the same as Naxx. Easy Mechanics that people can’t seem to understand which causes wipes (Thaddius), Gate Guard boss that requires tanks not to mess up in Auriaya (Similar to Patchwerk), and slow but steady progression over the weeks.

The only challenge I find in Ulduar is playing alongside people who sleep walked through Naxx, and probably the worst loot drops. I raided Ulduar on my main on 10 and 25 man since it dropped and got one almost insignificant upgrade. Almost 3 out of every 4 items dropping are tank or shaman gear and 1 piece of cloth or spellpower for casters to fight over.

If Heroic+ is taking you 5x longer the issue is you. This is why you’re a douche. You just flat out lie to make your points. You’re not just “wrong”. You actively lie. It takes maybe 10 min longer. Oh no.

You’re the George Santos of the WoW forums.


i agree with everything you said. the only thing I see a bit difference is there is no real prog. Besides yogg. besides 1 25 man pug I did all the rest 25/10 mans have cleared up to yogg since week 1. Def not hating on it but normal ulduar is the same skill gap as naxx. Its just easy content at this point. I also feel like im about to be done with classic till last patch.

Ulduar is a good raid that offers a lot to guilds of varying skill level. Some guilds are already killing all of the content on Hard Mode, some guilds aren’t killing all of the content on easy modes. It makes it more difficult to find that right “fit” for your needs than it did in Naxx, but it’s surely worth playing if you like raiding. If you get to 80 and need help doing heroics/H+ or Naxx P1 raids for gear add me and I’ll help you where I can.

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If you’re having a good time in DF, why bother with this? I mean that in a genuine way, not trying to convince you against playing classic or anything like that. By all means, the more the merrier. It’s an MMO after all. I’m just trying to understand your reason for being tempted by this game you already quit, when the current modern expansion already has you hooked.

Anyways… ulduar is fun yeah. 25 is fun, progressing hardmodes has been tough. My guild is still working on council, yogg-0 and algalon. Lots of wipes along the way. 10-mans are cleared, but even more fun, even pugging, since each member matters alot more. It’s still pretty easy to find normal runs (maybe just 1-2 hardmodes), doable in lower gear. I’m guessing your gear is now on the same level as most alts in naxx gear. It’ll take abit of grinding if you’re a fresh 80 with no gear. Then within a few weeks, you can be clearing all the hardmodes. It does give a clear feel of progression even if you’ve already done it all before.

I see both. Our guild has had ppl come back after leaving and we have had voluntary runs just to get them gear to be able to join the main raid. Its eaiser to do that for someone thaf is already known by the guild. Like the person that had to quit for example. I have also been part of guids that have done massive recuiting waves and then schedule lower tier raids for several weeks. So it is possible to get geared without gdkp.

I dont have a problem at all with gdkp. I think it is a very good loot system. And for any playet thaf can afford to buy in gdkp, there is more than enough BOE gear on the AH, along with heroic plus gear. I think it is very easy for someone to get to an acceptable gear level for anyone that does not want to run gdkp.

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